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Another senate inquiry into Cannabis (amongst other things)

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From now until 24 August 2015, you can make submissions to An inquiry into measures introduced to restrict personal choice 'for the individual's own good'. I think it's the Senate Standing Economics References Committee that's doing this one (go figure).
What is probably of most interest to people here, is that this committee wants to know what you think about:
The economic and social impact of legislation, policies or Commonwealth guidelines, with particular reference to:

c.the sale and use of marijuana and associated products, including any impact on the health, enjoyment and finances of users and non-users;


f.any other measures introduced to restrict personal choice 'for the individual‘s own good‘.


Full terms of reference can be found here: http://www.aph.gov.a...ms_of_Reference

#C obviously covers recreational use, but maybe mention medicinal use too – not sure if it will stretch to cover research, but it might be worth a try. Either way, there's plenty to talk about - prohibition, scheduling, cost of enforcement, benefits of different models of decriminalization/legalization etc. People here are probably much better versed in these arguments than I am, so I'm not going to tell you what you already know.
#F would allow a broader discussion of the restriction of other substances etc, or pretty much anything else that grinds your gears.
Personally, I just want to argue that adults should be treated like adults, especially in areas where their decisions have negligible effect on anyone else, and that what people can and can't grow and/or ingest should actually be backed up by good evidence.

I know that opinions here are divided over the best way to approach changing the law. But if you are so inclined, it's another chance to get your opinions considered by a different senate committee, one with the involvement of a supposedly pro-legalization senator.


Right now 99% of the submissions are from cyclists who are anti-helmet - and good on them for having a go. Some variety would be nice though.

I don't want to tell people what to do, especially as I'm an ultra-ultra-noob. But I do think people should know and have the opportunity to speak up, if they want to.

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The committee has extended the closing date for submissions to 18 September 2015.

However, the committee will accept submissions received after that date where they address specific inquiry terms of reference in accordance with the committee work plan as follows:

5 October 2015
Bicycle helmet laws (term d)

4 November 2015
Sale and service of alcohol (term b )

30 November 2015
Sale and use of marijuana and associated products (term c)

4 January 2016
Sale and use of tobacco and nicotine and e-cigarettes (term a)

1 February 2016
Classification of publications, films and computer games (term e)

1 March 2016
Any other measures introduced to restrict personal choice (term f)

So if anyone, including those of us who went to the effort of getting their submissions in on time, has anything to add, there is plenty of opportunity to do so.

If anyone feels (as I do) like taking a more pro-active approach in making sure people are aware of this, and getting some more submissions that advance the interests of this community ( :) ), I think there is an opportunity for that too.

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