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where to find solventssolvents for canna oil



Hey everyone, Ive been looking around for a way to make canna oil for medical purposes but i swear all the tutorials are using everclear or ethanol, or other products which im almost certain is unavailble in aus/ illegal unless you have a permit.


I was wondering if anyone on OzStoners has knowledge here reguarding the oil & could let me know what solvents they know of/other subtstitutes which would be possible to find in Aus. Im in NSW if that helps.


Cheers all  :yinyang:

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A lot of ppl use isopropyl alcohol to make oil, i use it my self.


U can pick up a 125mls bottle in bunnings for about $10.


Or go to ebay and serach isopropyl alcohol and you will see 5lt lots there for $48 including shipping.


There is BHO (butane hash oil) extraction but there a lot more involved and wouldent recomend to a new player in the game of oil making...

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A lot of ppl use isopropyl alcohol to make oil, i use it my self.


U can pick up a 125mls bottle in bunnings for about $10.


Or go to ebay and serach isopropyl alcohol and you will see 5lt lots there for $48 including shipping.


There is BHO (butane hash oil) extraction but there a lot more involved and wouldent recomend to a new player in the game of oil making...

Yeah I'm not going to bother with Butane but I heard that Iso also extracts other stuff like chlorophyll which makes it less potent or something along those lines, would there be anything you can do to remove that if thats the case? Thanks dude :)

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Personally I use iso

And yes if the veg matter is washed/soaked for a longer period the chlorophyll is leached out BUT....

If the solution is left in the sun, the chlorophyll is burnt off and no green remains

Here's a link to my process.


The original idea comes from another long term member, iTiC. Please read his entire post from the top and not just my post. Lots of info there.


As for where to find it, here's another link http://www.amcsupplies.com.au/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=2020_2086_2218

They do online sales.

Iso is used to clean circuit boards prior to soldering. Electronic wholesalers stock it (and I don't mean a Tandy or Dick Smith store. They are retailers. They may sell iso but in pissy 500ml bottles, an expensive way to buy it). Stores that sell transistors and resistors for electronic repairs, that sort of thing.

Iso is also used in commercial cleaning, so cleaning product wholesalers also stock it in bulk.



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