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Which would be better for the start?

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So I'm currently trying to decide what lighting to go with to start my grow, I plan on growing from seed using rockwool. Once they are a few weeks old I'll be putting them under a 400w hps but to start I'm not sure what would be better,

A 250w MH setup or either a 180w ufo led or 300w led (both marshydro brand led)

I've made up a small starter box approx 1.2m x .8m x .8m and will be getting a 2x1.2x1.2m tent in the next fortnight which they will go into when they go under the 400w.

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Very lil heat on these i have 2 of these in my lil tent good for starting seedling and verging plants to a nice size before they go under the big light for flower. I just vegged 8 plants in my small tent under 2 of those 80w and once they got to big for my lil tent I just put them straight under 1000w hps. In the big tent very good lil light .
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