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Now if you want some good reading book ( not boring crap) try ;


Snowblind - by Robert Sabbag.. (True Adventure) One of the best books about drugs ever written. A flat-out ball-buster. B) B) :yinyang:



Smoke Screen - by Robert Sabbag (True Adventure) Sabbag turns the story of a dope smuggling operation in the 1970s into a full blown adventure story. lol :yinyang:



Mr. Nice - by Howard Marks (An autobiography) Story of a man who makes Peter Pan look like a geriatric with sleeping sickness. B) B)



Huckstepp - A Dangerous Life - by John Dale (A biography) of a charismatic woman in Kings Cross. Treachery, corruption, drugs and murder in a part of Sydney society that is still a law unto itself. Winner of the 2000 Ned Kelly Award for Non-Fiction. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



The Usual Suspect - by Duncan McNab (The Life of Abe Saffron) In a notorious career over 60 years Abe Saffron has been called everything from "Mr. Sin" to "Gomorrah himself". The corrupter of police, politicians and perhaps even the moral fabric of Australian society. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


that's all folks :peace:

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Medical Marijuanna Cannabis cultivation: Trees of life at the university of London. By Jeffrey Winterborne


The book follows a government approved grow from start to finish, based on a DVD that was never released for legal reasons it has plenty of colour pics (could be bigger in most cases) and goes over all the basics as the grow progresses.


More interesting is the section in the back that has some excerpts from early writings that mention cannabis use.

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If you havn't already you must check out the Nimbin Quarterly Newsletter. I've only recently found it. It's f'n great.


'The emperor wears no clothes' by Jack Herer is the ultimate and complete book for cannabis info. Thought provoking and inspiring. And there is an online version of the book somewhere on the net.


My favourite author on the subject is Joan Bello. Her fist book is 'The benefits of Marijuana'. Joan works as a rehabilitiation officer or something like that in Mexico or southern USA. I highly recommend that book. She attemts to dispell some myths about the negative effects.


'The Healing Magic of Cannabis' by Dr Beverly Potter and Dan Joy is really cool too. It's got some recipes, info on tinctures and other applications of the medicine, dispelling myths, history etc.


And ' Marijuana The Forbidden Medicine' by Dr Lester Grinspoon and James B. Bakalar is mainly comprised of letters from patients that have found relief in using the erb medicinally. A great resouce.


All these books offer different info. To track them down I use amazon.com

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I have what I call "The Bible"


It isnt an MJ book but one on Hydroponics, written by an Aussie, for Aussie conditions. I refer to this book on a weekly basis and its filled with everything you need to know about growing including different medium, lighting, setups etc etc


Title: Integral Hydroponics

Author: G. Low


I highly recommend it for any beginner or advanced grower


edit* @ TheTreeBoundRat I'd recommend getting it mate

Edited by resin8
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