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legal Canadian med cannabis user traveling to Aus



Hello! I'm a legal Canadian medical marijuana user/grower from British Columbia :)


I'm going to be traveling to Aus in November and would like to make some pro marijuana friends who can answer some questions/help me out during my visit...


Sorry if this is the wrong board to post this in. Feel free to message me, thanks!

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Nah, you're all right TSJ.

I just know that in parts of Canadia its a bit like parts of the states where there are Smoke shops where you can buy smoke compared to Bong shops, where you can't lol

And I didn't want to confuse Ehnewday with ideas that we had ANY smoke shops ANYWHERE in Oz (even Nimbin)

Sure you maybe able to walk down the street in Nimbin and find 'something' to smoke, but is it worth it in Nimbin? Personally, for smoko I'd say 'no'. Great little place to go back in time, bit of a timewarp lol But its like the locals know tourists and cityslickers come looking and they can get rid of their crap. They keep all the good smoke for themselves.

IMHO you'd be better off going to the local pub, havin a beer and a chat than goin to Nimbin for smoko. But again that's my personal opinion



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I'll have to remember to pack the flavored cigars and head straight to the pub then lol


That's a shame the government sees a medical herb as such a harsh drug. It defiantly helps me with going about on my daily tasks a lot better than taking pain killers.... Thanks for all the heads up!

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haha if you ever come to sydney i will take ya we can go for a few beers some lunch then walk next door haha. i actually went there the other week for the first time in about 22 years, we used to go there on our way home from school haha not the pub just the milk bar, it was the same old fellas still there too. but ya better hurry up if ya want a visit he looks like he may throw the towel in any day now haha

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