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legal Canadian med cannabis user traveling to Aus



Hello! I'm a legal Canadian medical marijuana user/grower from British Columbia :)


I'm going to be traveling to Aus in November and would like to make some pro marijuana friends who can answer some questions/help me out during my visit...


Sorry if this is the wrong board to post this in. Feel free to message me, thanks!

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Hey Ehnewday,

Welcome to Ozstoners. Here in Australia cannabis is illegal. That is it is illegal to own, posses, consume or sell and depending on which state you are planning to visit depends on the penalty, as each state has its own laws regarding Cannabis. I am more than willing 'to answer some questions...' but as for 'helping you out during your visit' that would not be possible for 2 reasons. One, at the bottom of this page is a red banner, please read it and two, as stated above "...it is illegal to own, posses, consume or sell...". Although this community and its members are all very helpful with information and knowledge, the idea that these pages are not frequented by those in law enforcement would be naïve to say the least and by any member agreeing to 'help you out during your visit' on these pages would be placing ALL of us at great risk. Sorry.



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Hello thanks for your reply... That's completely understandable :)


I was trying to find a smoke shop in Melbourne. From what I understand, they are even fairly anti tobacco? So I haven't been able to really find one. Is there any at all?


Thanks again for answering any questions :)

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Oh man, so it's true... that's brutal! How's about around Sydney or nossa? Are they as up tight about it/Any smoke shops around there? This is fascinating. We've got full out medical dispensaries on every corner here... It was on the news last night that there's more marijuana stores then Starbucks and mcdonalds combined... We've even got vending machines for it lol!


I heard it used to grow in the wild there? Guess the government controlled that weed tough eh? lol

Edited by ehnewday
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Yea, it's true alright

It is illegal Australia wide, I believe Canberra, our political capital, is now the only state that allows for small personal possession, but that's it. In some states, although it is still classed as illegal, it is not heavily policed. But still if you get caught with it, they will prosecute. Again depending on state you may just get a fine, but in other states you'll end up in court for simple possession of a smoking implement ie pipe or bong.

And again NO!!! there are no 'smoke shops' ANYWHERE in Australia. Not one.

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Even our tobacco stores are slowly disappearing and when you walk into one it looks like they sell nothing..


All cabinets have to be closed with roller doors, no brands are to be displayed to the public..


You are even capped on duty free tobacco.. 


If you are aged 18 years or over you can bring 50 cigarettes or 50 grams of cigars or tobacco products duty-free into Australia with you. All tobacco products in accompanied baggage are included in this category, regardless of how or where they were purchased. 


Drug paraphernalia is illegal in this Country.... except rolling papers...



However you can still get pissed and buy sex legally in each state....



So have fun... 

Edited by lookinggoodguys
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