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Marijuana Helps Brain Grow, Study Shows

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there has been several doctors come into the open an say similar things..


it(cannabis) also helps to develop new neural pathways in the brain if it has been damaged.


further more, while the human body has a cannabis abundance in it(meaning daily users) It is not possible, or a lot more unlikely to have a heart attack or stroke.


The cannabis also creates a protective coating around the brain.


the onset of "old timers" and other such brain related problems could be from a lack of cannabonids produced by the brain.


I thought these were all pretty cool things, as an every day smoker made me feel a little better.



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because if they reject the complete studies from other countries.. it means they can hold of  on any real changes over here until they have finished "our own" studies.. at which point they will come to the exact same conclusion and start to make the changes.


 it just gives them a few extra years to screw us over.. and time for the "rich fucks" to jump on the wagon and get big companies involved.

Edited by Gumby1
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That is a really interesting read. In my opinion the government is being "paid" by big pharma to ignore these studies. I know many doctors who can see the benefits, but none of them want to be the ones to put themselves out there and go on record saying  due to their fear of being ostracised and what that might do to their families.


Bullshit, cheers.


I'm sure I'm going to be unpopular for saying this but, comments like this really put me off posting in these forums. I totally understand that people have different views and opinions, but what I don't understand is the need for "drive by" style comments. 

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However, what I wrote above is from doctors who have actually done the studies over several years.


what you wrote was your opinion.. And far less factual.


so you can have your own opinion.. But by all means keep in mind.. You may be wrong.


thank you.



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Surely each and every individual would have different reactions on the brain, giving the many variables associated ect (how it was grown, what was used to grow it, how it's consumed) a different outcome each time. I was once told 1 out of 10 people can't use cannabis if it be they abuse it to much it takes control of their life or it be they hear voices and loose there mind only when they use cannabis.
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I think there are a lot of large claims going around at the moment for research that yes is very promising, but at the same time is still in it's early infancy very little has actually been tested on humans because of silly prohibition. So yeh promising stuff coming out, bit too early to call the world in my opinion though.

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