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hey ppls

after doing great first time out last year has been a disaster since im all out of ideas plants are sickly and tiny yellow n dieing

canna flores

the ec is 1830

ph 5.8

temp 28 to 32

water temp 25

6 weeks in flower white rhino

you know what they say if it ant broke dont fix it but after first grow (see pics) i changed my 3 linked 28L tubs to a single black 80L res with 2 150mm netpots in the lid filled with expanded clay airstone , heater and pump in the res plumbed threw the lid to the netpots then just flows back down

should i be running nutes lower or watering less???? using this system as opposed to my old one which worked more like a flood n drain im all out of ideas



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I'd say drop the concentration of the nutes down a sight, you've said the ppm is 1830? That's not the ec you want to be running at, as that works out to 2.6...


DWC systems, due to the nutrient solution being in constant contact with the roots, require much lower concentrations of nutrient to obtain the same growth levels as those who are fed periodically.


So drop the concentration right down, to say 1/3 of the manufacturers recommended, or seeing as you've got an truncheon, until you reach I'd say ec1.8 / 2.0 or so, perhaps even lower. That's between 1260 and 1400 ppm.


You could also drop the temp down in the res a little to around 20, you can do this by using better reflective surfaces, (black absorbs heat) on the reservior, or by cooling it directly with bottles of frozen water. This may be a little salvo, but it does the trick! 25 is okay mind, but I find better growth at the lower end of the 19 - 25 mark. ;)


Hope that helps.


Oh yeah, you could definitely do without the recirculation too, DWC systems will support the plants growth through the bottom res mostly. You can recirculate, but in your case your just poisoning them with overly strong nutrient more. So flush out the netpots with fresh, ph adjusted (5.5 or so) water and you could perhaps run a cup or two of the reservoir/dwc container nutrient water every few days to flush out any excess salt which builds up on the top of the netpots media, and whilst they establish roots into the res.


Oh yeah, and are you maintaining the level of the water in the DWC system to just below the netpots? You can use a control bucket, or float valve system to do this automatically, but the water will be sucked up quick fast daily when they really get moving, and you don't want them to take out too much. Otherwise it will just get stronger, and stronger, and eventually, eurggg goes the plant. :P


So yeah, hope that helps. :)

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hey luke was hopin to hear from you or tom:)

my mistake EC is 1830 not a trungion just a small blue one (cf ?) n searched the site for levels n had no luck any advice on how to read it apprisiated

roots are not in the nutes about 5 inches away any sujestions for watering times till (if )they hit the water ill drop the nute levals as sujusted

nute temp wont be a prob ill just turn the heater down and have 1/8 white pond liner (like lino) on top

not really trying for dwc just simplied my earlier system which if i hadent givin away id go back to lol also tried coco inbetween no luck there either i always do a full res change every 2 weeks and it was a pain with my old system was thinkin this would be easer {have a drain in the botom crn)with this setup . after my orig grow with the ak x cindy the last year has sucked but alas the strain is no more n dont even like the wr stone lol also not on the net myself anymore since nov (a bad year in so many ways ) so only when im staying out here on the parents place can i get online other wise would post pics of new setup ect

your advice as aways is recived with much gratatude

tom aka memnock

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hey luke

got a lift in n back from town only had time to top the water up to under the net pots but that droped the reading on the meter down to 1380 also droped the res temp and cut the nut timer down to 3 x 15 min a night (run 12/12 on of a night still gets cool here) ill do a full change next nite im at home

we will see how it goes thanks again mem

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