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Hey all,


Last week i went to the hydro store and bought GROWRITE A + B vegetation nutes.


On the back of the PART A it says ...


Nitrogen as Nitrate ..... 4.08

Nitrogen as Ammonium ..... 0.02

Total Nitrogen ..... 4.10

Phosporus as water soluble ..... 0.00

Potassium as Nitrate ..... 3.45

Potassium as Phosphate ..... 0.02

Total Potassium ..... 3.47

Calcium ..... 3.80

Magnesium ..... 0.01

Sulphur ..... 0.01

Iron ..... 0.0264

Boron ..... 0.0001

Manganese ..... 0.0001

Zinc ..... 0.00

Copper .....0.00

Molybenum ..... 0.00


And PART B says ...


Nitrogen as Nitrate ..... 1.95

Nitrogen as Ammonium ..... 0.69

Total Nitrogen ..... 2.64

Phosphorus as water soluble ..... 3.49

Phosphorus as Nitrate ..... 6.90

Phosphorus as Phosphate ..... 0.02

Total Potassium ..... 6.92

Calcium ..... 0.02

Magnesium ..... 0.85

Sulphur ..... 1.11

Iron ..... 0.0001

Boron ..... 0.154

Maganese ..... 0.328

Zinc ..... 0.0389

Copper ..... 0.0339

Molybdenum ..... 0.0167


Will these nutes be any good for growing in a bubbler ?? Its not open yet soo if they are no good i can still return them and get new ones .... and the instructions says ...




Add 2.5mL of PART A per litre of water, stir, then add 2.5mL of PART B per litre of water then stir ... Should I be adding both PART A and B to the same one litre of water or two litres of water ?


Sorry about the stupid questions guy ... I know to use 1/4 strength but these instructions confuse me a little and i want my first grow to go as smoothly as possible.


~ peace

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Thats pretty much like the DutchFest mix.. but a tad weaker.. Im gonna be buying some Canna Flores when I can be bothered to go to the shop and not sleep in, past two days slept the whole day :) Those nutes should be fine, I wouldnt have a clue about bubblers ;) Id rather run water flowing constantly than to have the roots in water.. but each growing method is suited to different people.
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The only thing missing out of that is Silica. but this is the Third part to any nutrient anyways.


Bubblers well, yea I read maximum of 1/3rd strength but I only tried bubblers once and reakon they are shit.

MJ doesnt like having constantly wet roots, it much prefers a wet/dry cycle.

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Depends on the environments they're brought up in.


Yeah, don't use too much for a young plant, make up initial solution to around 1/4 strength, and yes, it's x mL of part "A" and x mL of part "B" to one liter.


I would advise anyone interested in reading the "true" strength of their nutrient solutions (particularly important in recirculating systems) to check out Truncheons. It's perfectly possible to grow well without them, but they usually save everyone a whole pile of trouble when used right. :)

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EC and PPM are measuring the same thing, Salt levels.


Most people that use bubblers use a res, it saves time and also means that you dont need to lift the plant when its in grow.


If I was to use bubblers I would use a res, or better known in this instance as a Control bucket.


My EC is only for my systems(flood and drain), in my conditions and I use 1.0 EC during cloning, then I introduce the clones to the system and under the HID,.

Veg- Start at 1.4 EC, then slowly over a period of a few days let the plant eat the water out of it and it raises to 2.0 EC.

After being on 2.0 EC I then start to raise it again to a maximum of 2.4 EC in veg.

12/12 I start at 2.0 EC and slowly lift to a maximum of 2.6 EC.

The 2nd week before harvest I slowly drop it down to under 1.4 EC and then with only 1 1/2 weeks to Go I run NO fertiliser.

Then I give the plant 24 hours of complete darkness and rip the bitch.


When I grew bubblers I ran the Ec no higher than 1.4EC and started at tap water of 0.2 EC.


According to my truncheon the levels equate to-


.02 EC is 2 CF, or 140 ppm.


You also have to factor in the starting levels of the water, this is NOT added on top of the nutrients.

what I mean is If you start with a EC of 0.2 which is 140 PPM you dont add this on top of the maximum. Like If you set the maximum of 1000ppm then it means 1000ppm NOT 1140 PPM.


But like I said this is only what my system, plants, etc like.

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Hey Bish,heres the breakdown of the nutes I use,

Firstly for Veg I use Amsterdam Indoors-


Nitrogen as nitrate 12.25%,

nitrogen as ammonium 0.75%

total Nitrogen 13.00%

potassium as nitrate 9.30%,

Calcium as Ca- 17.60%

Iron as Fe 0.06%


Part B-


nitrogen as nitrate 7.85%

nitrogen as ammonium 0.90%

Phosphorus as P 5.20%

Potassium as nitrate 10.70%

potassium as Phosphate 6.60%

total potassium as K 17.30%

Magnesium as Mg 4.10%

Sulphur as S 5.50%

Manganese 0.08%

boron 0.05%

copper 0.01%

zinc 0.009%

molybdenum 0.0005%

It also states that it has special vitamins, silicons, and rare natural minerals.





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The Experts choice that I am currently using is-

(experts choice is the same thing as Budpounder, Aushydro have been given a hard time for the name budpounder so have decided to change its name)


%W/V = g/100ml

Part A-


Nitrogen (N) 3.74

Potassium (K) 2.60

Calcium(Ca) 2.72

Iron (Fe) 0.10


Part B-


Nitrogen (N) 0.74

Phosphorus (P) 1.30

Potassium (K) 4.49

Sulphur (S) 1.99

Magnesium (Mg) 1.10

Manganese(Mn) 0.02

Zinc (zn) 0.004

Copper (Cu) 0.003

Boron (:) 0.006

Molybdenum (Mo) 0.001


It states to adjust solution to 22CF and 6.4 ph. it also states to use tap water.


Edited by Ferengi420
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Then i have a product which calls its self-



Weight plus.

This has a NPK of 0-9-17


and is a highly concentrated form of potassium and phosphorus.


This is where I think I confussed myself and others on that other post on NPK.


Also I found this on the canna NPK.

7. Weight Adders


        Potassium is stored in the flower/fruit during the flowering process.


        To add weight, products like weight plus use potassium to add weight


        Other potassium products are Potash plus and Canna PK1314 but are not as pH stable as weight plus which is fully balanced and should not affect your pH


oh I found it at- http://www.hydrocentre.com.au/additives/


Edited by Ferengi420
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