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Not to sure

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High all

My leaves are going yellow , and one of them is brittle at the end

It's a 20lt bucket

670 us/cm that's what my meter reads not to sure how to convert yet

Ph 6.8

And are using the general hydroponic three pack and using 5ml of each



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Hey Bobb,

Your μS/cm is equivalent to EC


Conversion for units used to measure salinity:

1 dS/m (decisiemens per metre) = 1 mS/cm (milliseimens per cm) = 1,000 EC μS/cm (microsiemens per cm) = approximately 550 ppm (parts per million -TDS)

(and milligrams per litre - mg/l)


Simply times (x) EC (μS/cm) by .55 to get an approximate ppm equivalent.

To convert TDS - ppm back to EC units you divide the ppm value by .55.

Parts Per Million (ppm) can be thought of as the same as milligrams per litre (mg/L)

1 (gpg, grains per gallon) = approximately 14 ppm (parts per million)


Hope it helps


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Thanks Merl1n for the info


I looked at the plant today. The leaves have started to go brown in spots, my P.H has raised up to 7.5

At the moment I am  running strait rain water through the 20lt bucket as it is set up as a DWC. Then I will make up a batch and go from there would this be the right thing to do

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Yes give the girls a good flush out an then make up a new nutrient mix of about 12-EC   to 18-EC an around the  5.8ph to 6.3ph an you should be ok .


Just make sure that you give the girls a very good flush out even if you change the water 2 times that you are flushing the girls with.


Just check the Ph reading in the flush water say after hr of flushing.


Make sure you flush the girls with water with a Ph reading of around 5.5Ph to 5.8Ph an after you finish flushing the girls do like I said an hit  the girls with your new nutrient mix made up to around the EC-12, to18-EC.


 Catch some of the new nutrient run off mix that is running outta your pots at  the bottom an make sure it is around the same reading as your nutrient mix you are  feeding the girls now.


Will prob take a few days for the girls to come good again plus if you have any Rizotonic give the girls a drink of that as well an the girls will love you for that.


Hope this info  helps you as you may need to give the girls some Cal-Mag as well.


Make a  mix of 1/T-Spoon to 2- T/Spoon  full of Epson salts into a 2-Lt bottle of water ,mix it up an give the girls a good drink of that as well.


All the best with your girls,



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I had same issues years ago following the GH recipe on the bottle.


If using GH you should follow this  http://www.asklucas....casFormula.html . If mixed correctly depend where your water PH is sitting, it should drop it around 5.5 without adding any down. 


If you follow the lucus formula you don't need any cal/mag..this is good for noobs like myself and DWC.


Plus I haven't had to change the res and just top up with more nutes.



Also how much air is being pushed into the res?



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Edited by lookinggoodguys
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Check on my Res, 

Optimal 5.2 - 5.8

PH 5.2 DWC


Res PPM 1157 PPM,

Town water PPM 290 PPM


I have a bit of head room with my nutes I think.

I treat 1 gallon as 4 litres instead of 3.78541


Looking good if I use this formula 8ml micro to a gallon I am using a 5 gallon bucket so that would be 40 ml and 100 ml of bloom is that correct 


40 ml micro

80 ml bloom


Test you water ph, ppm or ec before adding nutes.

Make sure you add micro first then bloom.


You wont have to change nutes at all right through the grow.

Edited by lookinggoodguys
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