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info on outdoor growing please.

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I just moved to australia, and i have found the deals here to be expensive, so i have decieded to start growing.

I can get hooked up with seeds, except i am not experianced at all with growing so i would like to ask some questions.


1.when should i plant my seeds?

2.how many seeds should i plant?

3.when should i trim the plants?

4.how do i tell which plants are female/male?

5.where should i buy soil/ which soil should i buy?


If you would answer these questions and give any other necessary infomation i would appreciate it. I am not looking for a major harvest or anything, i just would like 2 or 3 plants for personal use.


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welcome to ozstoners timska. its recommended that you have a read of the forums to get a general gist of the info you want before asking too many questions. all the answers are on here, you just need to do a bit or research. ppl help others who help themselves :) just for starters


1. after the frosts are gone in your area for outside

2. how ever many you want ;)

3. outdoors, you dont need to trim them, let them grow in all their glory unless you gotta keep everything stealthy

4. wait till you actually get your plants in the ground before worrying about this

5. just get any nice soil from a hardware store or somewhere similar and some fertilizer and maybe mulch to stop them from drying up through summer


cheers, doey

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