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Canna Aqua products with Rock Resinator instead of Boost. Ok?

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im curious, whats yas reckon...


i emails rock and asked them if there was any PGR's in the resinator. They replied saying there is none what so ever and they are sending me a 1lt sample for free. cool its free i guess, but if they are claiming it hasnt got PGR's do think they are pulling my leg? is there proof there is PGR's in it still?

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There are no PGR's in Rock Res.  It is a glorified PK additive designed to be used in conjunction with PGR's as the PGR's inhibit resin production.  If you are not using PGR's there is no gain to using Rock Res instead of PK 13/14, but there is also no harm in using it as your PK 13/14 if that's what you have.  Just add it to your nutes for a week mid flower.


The KISS approach to hydroponics is whatever base nutes you choose at an EC level that your plants are happy with, and add some PK in the 5th week of flower for indica doms, later for long flowering sativa doms, and flush with straight ph'd water at the end.  If you want to experiment with additives, keep them to a small number, and mainly look at root zone assistance like a Zyme product, but in reality, if you don't have previous grows to compare results to, you won't be able to tell if you are getting an advantage from any additives you try, so the KISS approach first time is a no brainer, and it works brilliantly.  Beware of getting caught up in the massive amount of marketing hype running rampant in the cannabis growing industry.


I've tried a few additives, but now I only use half strength Roots Excellurator for the 1st couple of weeks, Multizyme up to a few weeks into flower, and PK for a week mid flower.  Aside from that I do chuck in a bit of Cal Mag as a preventative measure from time to time, mainly in coco grows, but that's only cause I'm paranoid about cal mag deficiency.  And, I doubt I'll get another bottle of Roots Excel when this one runs out.


Learning to read your plants and paying attention to details will get you a lot more yield than using a shit tonne of additives, and if you haven't learned to read your plants, how will you know if the additives are beneficial?

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