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Small Outdoor plants showing pre flowers. Female or Male?

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done :-) put in a 10 litre pot with some more canna terra and have LST it because of the small mother plant grow room. will get pics up when she takes off and settles in her new environment. from memory the seed is from AK47 that seeded alot on a friend of mines grow last year. lucky i got fems. i still have about 10 of these seeds pit away for another time :-)
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Update on the Girls that went into the ground in the bush :D


This Girl was originally started in my drobe grow at the start. I pulled it after 4 weeks when i realised i was running out of room then put it in soil and out side.. She is looking very nice and just showed her first hairy bits today :)



This is a Landrace Sativa bag seed from the area i used to live in, I planted 5 of these and only got 1 girl and here she is, about 2 weeks into flower



This is one of the little girls i neglected and forgot about in a 1lt pot all that time, in the ground now and at week 4 of flower.. only short but smells bloody amazing, im sure its the AK47 seed i got a while back from a bag of weed i got and pulled only a few seeds from a few ounces.


Another that is the same strain and same thing is happening. very short and week 4 of flower


This is the other one that has survied


Ive tried my best to scrog the little plot and the sativa just to keep it low and stealth.
And, i planted these the other day just to get them out of 1 lt pots, they been sitting in there for about 3 weeks. no signs of sex yet, and i think maybe, MAYBE, if we get to cold this winter they might not make it... 
Everything is planted in prepared soil.
I dug the ground up about 2-3 ft deep, removed alot of clay, kept some of the topsoil and mixed with some Yates premium potting mix, peat coir, perlight, lime, worm castings and a small amount of chicken shit. I let it all cook for about 3 weeks before they got planted then turned it all up.
Feeding is just plain water from my bore, which a friend of mine is helping me cart up there and storing in an underground reservoir ;) and occasional feed of seasol, gogo juice and the red bottle of powerfeed.
Hoping to chope girl 1,2 and 3 in about 3 weeks, starting to get a few hairs turning from white to a darker colour and they are filling out nicely :D
I know its only a small plot, but for plants i sorta neglegted and forgot about, im glad they cam back to life and will give me some medicine in the end. I plan to make Hash Oil out of the lot.




Edited by qwobbler
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