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Ethnobotany Forums Rules

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Ok well this is a trial form that we would like to make perminent if it goes well , it is something I have been interested in a long time. My initial love for plants came from my garden not my MJ plan,


Both I and Oz agree that this section can be beneficial not only for the hobbyist but also those of you interested in Plant medicine,


There are just a few rules that need to be followed :


• No spamming ( if you have a product to sell register with us )

• No discussion of preparation or extraction methods of plants or succulents ( medicinal plants excepted )

• Use your best judgment before posting

• You may request LEGAL seeds/cuttings of plants but only in the appropriate section ( See the Ethnobotanical marketplace )



We will get more specific with the rules if you guys start getting silly but for now we will leave it at that

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That sounds awesome, ive been going lycaeum for a while to read up on all sorts of ethnobotany. It would be great to keep it local, especially because we have so many interesting plants here in OZ. Im sure alot of people here would have and interest in ethnobotany, considering most here enjoy everything about grass :)
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I am hoping that people here will enjoy it and benifit from it as well

we are also hoping it wil attract a few new people aswell including some of the ethnobreeders aus has that lurk around the net ;) there will be Private advanced fourms in the short-term future where you will have a litle more freedom, I will post up a thread in a few places on the board explaining what we are going to require of members before we give them access to the Private Fourms .



good to see they are off to an ok start


for now though I think its time for bed I haven't slepy since thursday ::):

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Hey guys, Ive been interested i cacti for a while. I've got some san pedro going, that I bought from, wait for it woolworths. I had some peyote growing from seed but the missus's mice/my pet pythons breeding pair escaped one night an no shit ate all 4 of them that were growing on the kitchen windowsill. After 2 years of growing them, to say i was angry and dissallusioned, was an understatement. I tell ya'll those two mice are the damn luckyest two mice in existance. Oh By the way my mice appeared to be off their little tails that morning, I tried to pick one up and it did about ten laps of the cage without stoppping. I suppose if you put it into a human comparison it would be like eating three peyotes the size of a giant pumkin. Im F*$#ING REEEEAAALLLY glad my missuses pet mice got off their dials on my precious PEYOTE. Of which now my seed supplier is no longer available.IN CASE YOU GUYS CAN"T TELL IM BEING F*#@ING SARCASTIC.
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Hi All,


Great idea for the forum. Keep it organic. I have San Pedro, Phalaris Grass, Hawaian Baby Woodrose and Syrian Rue growing. Far better for you than the chemical synthectics that most people use at the raves and get from their doctors.


Did you know.....


That nearly all forms of acacia sp. (Wattles) contain DMT? This needs a simple extraction process (year 12 -1st year uni chemistry student) to work properly, but fuck it works.


South East Queenslands Rainforests contain the largest variety of fungus (mushrooms) in the world (how many are psycotropic?).


To be sure a mushroom contains DMT, split the stem in two, if it turns a faint bluish color it is a sign of DMT oxidisation (always check with an expert for exact id - take it to your local herbarium BEFORE you down them).


The poison from the bufo marinas (Cane toads) contains DMT (have you licked the toad like Homer?). The Maya fed the toads to the local ducks that had adapted to deal with the toxins, then ate the duck. The DMT is/was stored in the duck fat. Makes one happy fucking duck.


Anyone else have some ethnobotanical tidbits?



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synthetic things are not worth it at all , most find you can get a better high or more powerfull medicine off of a plant if the reasearch is done ;)


I have a bit of a ehtno collection that I love to tinker around with :D


also just to point out somehtign about fungi you will find that The psychoactive tryptamines in fungi are mainly psilocybin and psilocin although others are also present.



Welcome to the boards btw glad to have another ethno enthusiest :D

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Hey there Pure

Haven't checked into these forums for ages and then I see there's an ethnobotany discussion...good work mate.I'll drop in more often :D


I just wanted to clear a few things said before:


Quote Spock:"...That nearly all forms of acacia sp. (Wattles) contain DMT?"


True but people need to be aware that there are a lot of other chemicals in there and the amount of DMT can vary by the season and even within a species.Plus I'd hate to see more people ripping up all our natives just to get off.Illinois bundle flower or Acacia Maidenii would be better to grow as they have higher levels of DMT and seed is easy to get.


Quote Spock:" To be sure a mushroom contains DMT, split the stem in two, if it turns a faint bluish color it is a sign of DMT oxidisation."


Firstly active musrooms don't contain DMT, but 4-phosphoryl-DMT(psilocybin), 4-hydroxy-DMT(psilocin) as the main actives.It is the psilocybin that oxidises and stains the stem blue.Normally you only need to sctratch the stem with your fingernail to see this.


Quote Spock:"(always check with an expert for exact id - take it to your local herbarium BEFORE you down them)"


I wouldn't eat anything I didn't have enough experience to ID properly, but I wouldn't be taking an illegal substance to a herbarium for an ID with the intention to consume said substance either :D


Quote Spock:" The poison from the bufo marinas (Cane toads) contains DMT "


Actually it's called Bufotenine or 5-Hydroxy-DMT.


DMT itself is not orally active it is usually insufflated or more popularly smoked.Taken orally Monamine oxidase in the body breaks it down before it can get to the brain.There are ways around this by de-activating this enzyme with an MAO-inhibitor ala Ayahuasca but you really need to know your shit to use it this way as there are strict dietary rules to adhere to.


I know we're talking natural plants here but there are dangers in mis-identification,THE LAW,unskilled chemical procedures,incomplete extractions,residue solvents,and bad trips can damage the psyche, but more importantly there's a very real risk of dying from a simple mistake.

In australia psychedlics ARE illegal and potentially could land you in heaps deeper shit than weed.


I would encourage anyone who is interested in these plants to learn as much as you can,grow them and get to know them.We don't want people taking this stuff lightly as the Government will take every chance they get to ban another plant!

They are indeed wonderful allies but if you do use them know they are powerful enough to destroy your version of reality and you need to be prepared for that.


So get searching buy some seeds and enjoy ethnobotany :thumbsup



Cheers mesc...

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This site just keeps getting better! I've ordered some cactus seed and although I've grown cacti from seed before, I was wondering if anyone knows of any way to help them be the best they can be?

I know they like bone meal, and that the babies need humidity... and that's all I know. It's not so much instruction I need it's "tricks" Like photoperiods, nutes, etc

I experiment on baby cacti that are just common seed from the store, so I'm willing to try to see if they respond first before trying anything on the more costly seed. Any comments will be apperciated! GG

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fungacide can be a big help with little cacti, saves you loosing to many, also watch little creatures, baby cacti seem like a delicacy to some little critters, other than that getting them to crack and the first month or two can be the hardest part, once they are up they dont seem to have to many problems, its just getting them to that stage, any how best of luck with it.
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