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General Hydroponics Purchased by Scotts?

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Source: Advanced Nutrients Facebook page - Bike mike

Hey, just saw on the advanced nutrients facebook page big mike posted a video talking about general hydroponics being sold to/purchased by scotts. Let me know what you think of this issue and if you can find anything else related to this matter. How do you feel about supporting the company that makes roundup? 

Link can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10153159647101093&pnref=story

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have read storys and seen pics of hydro shops in america

burning all the general hydro flyers and banners

i think they are disposing of the stock at same time!

they dont want anything to with scotts and roundup crew


ah well looks like ill never get to try the Lucas formula for gen hydro 3 part nutes

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