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Important News for all Seedbanks, Breeders & Shops

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Myself and Ozstoner have racked our brains over an issue we have with spamming here, we have been trying to find a solution that is benifitial for you guys and doesn't effect your business but also doesn't take away from the true purpose of the forms which is ofcourse for advice, views and comments ect ... not free advertising .


We want to keep this place banner free and with that said what we have come up with is a system where all seedbanks, breeders, and store owners who wish to advertise their sites and services here must register and pay a donation.

In return for their donation they will be given a sticky thread in the seedbank section where they can advertise what ever services news or support details they want, it will also allow thoughs of you that like to keep us up to date with your stock to do so without anyone having an issue with it, in addition to that you will also be premitted to put a link for your site into your signature so really we are letting you spam but in a controlled manner there will also be additional bonuses and rewards for the registered businesses I am just still trying to come up with some


For those of you wishing to register their business you have untill the 1st of October 2004 to register yourself, after that time ALL posts that spam your site or services will be deleted without notice,


The only people excepted from this process will be non- comercial sales , for example if you are selling your computer or lights ect ..... the only thing that we do ask of you guys though is that you keep your posts on what your selling in the classifieds form


Anyone who has any questions , sugestions, comments or has a special circumstance inwhich they need an extention beond the 1st of October to pay please contact Myself via Private message


Thanx for your time and understanding



The Admin Crew

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