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What's the quickest way to identify a female from mixed seed?

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This isnt 100% though..



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

I have Regular and feminised seeds at the moment.. The regular are a strain I crossed and have a good supply. the feminised I just purchased and are a mix of 20 seeds 5 strains 

I used my field scope ( strong enough to see a Nats testicles on a cold day) and had a look at both after this Technic was mentioned the other day.

Now all the feminised seed are NOT the same and not all round it is just as mixed as the regular seed ,some oval some round some inners some outers.

I also have a small bag of Herm seed from forced late flower pollen and all these looked like Males ( picture 4) but everyone of the seeds Ive used ( Outside in greenhouse ) have been Female with the odd Male flower late on.

Is this article from one of Mel Franks very old books ?? I remember seeing it somewhere..

Edited by Traviss
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ITS ALL A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS... And as above I agree..
Published Oct 2015.... 
For those who don’t use feminized seeds, being able to tell the sex of a cannabis seed by looking at it would be a pretty handy skill. But is it possible?

If you are a veteran of the cannabis community, or spent a lot of your time reading up on cannabis, you may have heard that it is possible to tell the sex of cannabis seed simply from its appearance. There is even a chart floating about out there that describes the physical differences between male and female seeds.

Well, let us tell you now, it is all a load of bollocks. There is no way to tell the difference between male and female cannabis seeds by looking at them. In fact, it is widely accepted that the sex of a cannabis plant is not determined until a few weeks before flowering. Even feminized seed, which have been bred to have 99.9% chance of growing female, can turn into male or hermaphrodite plants if put under a ton of stress while growing. This is very rarely a worry for feminized growers, as they don’t tend to stress out their plants to this extreme extent – but it is possible.

Think about it. Why would breeders across the globe go to all the effort required to produce feminized cannabis seeds if they could simply look at regular cannabis seeds and categorize them? It isn’t some conspiracy or well-kept trade secret.


While being able to determine the sex of a cannabis seed by looking at it is a myth, being able to sex your cannabis early isn’t.

Normally, you would wait until your cannabis plants are done with vegetative growth, and switch them over to flowering. You then watch like a hawk for any signs of sex, and move the males as soon as possible. This is risky, though, because if you leave it too long, you risk the chance of pollination – turning your bud into seeds. Unless you are getting into breeding yourself, this is something you probably want to avoid.

If you don’t want to take the risk, then sexing your cannabis early is pretty easy, and stress-free. It basically involves placing a black bag over a small section of the plant during the vegetative stage to force pre-flowering, before allowing it to revert back. This gives you a clear idea of what sex your plants are, without undue worry, wasted time, or effort. You can read our more detailed explanation of how to do this in our dedicated blog post.

It is a sad truth that you cannot determine the sex of a seed by looking at it. If you think you can, you have been lucky. Nothing more. However, hopefully, our explanation of the measures you can take to determine the sex of your cannabis plants will help you keep your grow room male free for years to come!

Edited by Traviss
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The seed petiole whether its in or out round or not is stronger in formation based more on where it was on the plant and its age of maturity....and lineage......prior to being collected.....rather than sex id.


I would agree that the chart isnt a guide rather a guess..

Just put it up as it has been used as a reference by people in the past





Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Edited by cardrona
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It isnt the holy grail though that chart.....just always have fresh seed less than 3 years old .

And plant more .......the more you start off with ....the more you will have at the end ...after culling.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Ive stored seeds for 10+ years in fridge and still get majority Female .. It's all in the storage method and how they are harvested and I agree Seed from big healthy buds are way better than using the small shit at the bottom.  Ive got old seed stored in a Fongeride mix ( Talc ? ) used by Commercial seed producers in the 80's and they still have a 50/50 germination rate .

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