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I used to suffer from chronic insomnia. I'd been on and off sleeping pills for about 2 and a half years and found the medication was just fucking up my sleeping pattern completely. I started smoking pot a couple hours before I planned to sleep and if I let myself fall asleep just as the buzz is wearing off, I find that I sleep like a fucking baby.

I wake up totally refreshed. The only problem now is that I can't get a good nights sleep without weed.

My girl hates me smoking even though she understands the benefits of it for me. I'm thinking of asking her to move in with me, but she's made it quite clear that she won't do that unless I quit or seriously cut back on my usage.

I don't know what the fuck to do.

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Sammy, if this girl cant understand you have a sleeping problem and smoking dope is the only cure, then she aint worth it mate... Fuckin cruel of her... I been using dope to get to sleep everynight for the past 10-12 years, as a kid couldnt sleep more than 4 hrs or so a night.... been addicted to sleeping pills too, and dope is way better as youve probably noticed for yourself...


Sleep is the most fucking important thing you can do, if you dont sleep you die... I think the realisation would come to you by itself , laying in bed next to this snoring bitch everynight, wriggling around uncomfortably and unable to sleep cos you havent had a smoke...


Fuck all this moving in shit, the way you have it, you get girl and the sex, without the 24hr a day nagging, and ya still get to sleep.....


tell your girl the only way you get to sleep without weed is after ya dick been sucked..

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I'm guessing if you're this confused over it then you must care about her or you would have just said 'fuck off' to her long ago.

I love weed as much as anyone, but it aint gonna put it's arm around you when you're lonely and it's never gonna say 'I love you' back to you. It seems most non pot smoking girls have 2 main gripes with weed - it's illegal and they hate bongs. Maybe try to educate your girl on the fact that pot has been used as a natural medecine for thousands of years (including for menstral cramps) and enlighten her on the purity of it compared to modern drug cocktails that doctors prescribe. You don't mention how you take it, but if you use a bong, think about having a joint. A mate of mine has his billy in his shed, so he goes down the back for a cone. He keeps it out of the lounge room and his wife is happy. If you really do want to work it out with her Sammy, the most important thing is to talk to her about it. Find out what she hates about it and explain those issues from your point of view. Don't forget that if you live together and you get busted at home she could get charged as well, even if she doesn't use it, so to her it could be a much bigger deal than you realise. If after all that you still disagree, then you'll have to have a think about whether this situation is an idicator of a bigger problem - that you maybe have quite different views of the world and even though you love each other it doesn't neccesarily mean you are made to be together forever. Sad but true in some cases. WHatever you do take your time because you're the one who has to live with the outcome.

Good Luck man,


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i only started getting insomnia after i started smoking weed. When i was younger, when i first started smoking everyday i took sleeping for granted, however on the days where no matter how hard you tried there wasnt any mj around , i couldnt sleep. I now have to be stoned to sleep, i know this isnt clinical insomnia, but i stil cant sleep!!!



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Excelent advice wassilly.


This girl should undertand for you to function you need sleep. She has to care how you feel, if she can't have empathy for you, i hate to say it but she hasn't got your best interests at heart.


Ask her how she would feel if you took sleeping pills and slept 12 or 14 hours in a row. If she can't understand why you smoke she's going to have major problems with you sleeping all the time and working the rest and not having any time for her.


If all else fails and you can't get through to her by talking to her, wake her up realy early, keep her awake for a whole night and all of the next day and then ask her how she would like to feel like that everyday.


OptiicalRush, who says it has anything to do with smoking? Your brain is alot more complex than even a psychiatrist can comprehend. In the time you have been smoking many things could have affected your sleeping patterns.

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I have tried every downer in the book to regulate my sleeping pattern.. and mj is the only one that works consitantly.. I can take breaks from it too, and be ok, 2-3 days without weed isnt too bad. If you are just using it to get to bed, a few cones at night time is the best thing.. I can agree with you there, as the weed wears off going to sleep rocks. I have tried stillnox, diazepam, temazepam.. and other sleeping pills which i aquired from other places, such as oxycontin, which is like a pharmaceutical opiate I think.. They all get me to sleep, but after a week or two of taking each every night.. I end up having to have double/triple the dosage to do the same thing, really not worth it.


Good luck mate and hope ur girl can understand and come to terms with your illness, alot of people dont agree with things that are 'illegal' and its very unfortunate that mj is one of them. But I can agree with wassily, you need to look from her point of veiw.. but at the same time, she needs to look at yours too.

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Yeah, I have been an insomniac for years as well... I have just started working two jobs and I know that I am having to start smoking every evening again after only surviving a month of weekend use otherwise I will get sick just from exhaustion and stress.

I have other friends who smoke to get to sleep, and there is sure as hell nothing wrong with that. Everybody needs their way to wind down and destress, but the majority of people take to drinking, which since smoking more regularly I find drinking feels toxic.

Try and talk it over with her and explain all the benefits and the bullshit we're fed by the government. I got my last gf from saying that she'd never try pot ever again to like the odd spliff or few cones to sleep or on the weekend.



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