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5% cannabis-schizophrenia link

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New research has revealed more evidence of a link between cannabis use and schizophrenia.


A national conference beginning in Melbourne today will examine international studies about the issue.


Professor David Castle from the University of Melbourne says there is already evidence showing some cannabis users can become psychotic.


He says the latest research shows if people with particular vulnerabilities smoke the drug, if can trigger more serious problems.


"The debate is whether if those people with those vulnerabilities do never use cannabis, whether they might never become psychotic or never develop schizophrenia and it's thought that probably from the literature now that maybe about one in 20 people with schizophrenia or about 5 per cent of them, might never become psychotic if they had never used cannabis," he said.


However, Professor Castle also believes cannabis is a valuable medicinal drug that is being restricted by its illicit nature.


He says it is a very effective drug in controlling nausea for cancer sufferers, a useful analgesic and an anti-bacterial agent.


"From the medical point of view, I believe that it's really important that the potential medicinal value of the drug is not lost through constraints put on it by legislators because there's a danger that research into the drug will be very difficult to do because it happens to be an illicit substance," he said.


Author: ABC

Date: 16/08/04

Source: ABC

Copyright: © 2004 Australian Broadcasting Corporation

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Hmm I didnt say it.

Neither did I (a voice in my head said).



"From the medical point of view, I believe that it's really important that the potential medicinal value of the drug is not lost through constraints put on it by legislators because there's a danger that research into the drug will be very difficult to do because it happens to be an illicit substance," he said.



When oh when are they going to realise that THIER legal drugs are far far more damaging to a person than a few puffs of a MJ plant.

Whats the worst thing that can happen to a heavy habitual potsmoker.

They get a little lazy and their memory fails. so bloody what.

I nwould rathe be dumb and slow than turn in to the absolute mess that Iam when im taking the prescriptions that im supposed to be taking.


lets look at it from my side of the fence-


On the Doctors medical legal crap--

1/ I get agressive and have at time yelled at my famil, other drivers for no reason.

2/ I dont sleep at night because the pain medication simply doesnt work

3/ My stomach is in alot of pain caused by the meds not liking my ulcars.

4/ I get migraines on a DAILY basis, I shit you not.

5/ it costs me roughly 100 a month in medical prescriptions.

6/ I can go on and on and on ......................


On weed-

1) Im happy and nothing bothers me or stresses me out.

2/ I sleep like a baby because and have nice dreams etc. I wake up in the morning refreshed and not feeling like I need to go to bed.

3/ My stomach is really good on the weed, it doesnt effect my ulcars at all. It also helps alot with another problem I have which is Irritable bowel.

4/ it costs me roughly, $10-00 a week to grow enough, and thats about $40-00 a month. tops at $60-00 a month. From this I always get a spare Oz or 2 which I sell off to recover my costs. So even if it costs me the same as the Drs at $100-00 a month I get back 300 to 600 a month in sales.(I sell ONLY to one person and his Mrs sufferes from MS).

4/ I get a migraine on average once a month, when im smoking everyday.

5/ I could go on and on here also,

but I do have to add that the Drs meds do nothing to make me feel good, whereas the pot makes me feel great. more energy during the day, I can deal with my pain and can do most things.


like I said I could go on and on .......... :P

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What was it Homer said? Something like, "pfft, you can prove anything with statistics, 98% of people know that" (not a direct quote).


*If* they can prove that, then fine. No one ever said very slight stimuli can't trigger psychotic behaviour in scitzophrenics.


The difference is: Educated people shouldn't mistake psychotic behaviour for scitzophrenia.


In simple terms, mj doesn't cause scitzophrenia.


And these scientists can say there is a link between mj and scitzophrenia, but if they are a true scientist they might like to consider the possibility that scitzophrenics seek altered states because their perception of reality is not very rewarding and that the same time in a persons life when they might come into contact with all sorts of substances is also the time when psychiatrists and pychologists acknowledge is when the onset of scitzoprenia occurs.


There are many other stimuli and environmental factors in our modern world that are changing too fast to get an accurate control group to study along side any experiment. Frankly i think science has been running as fast as it can when it should be barely able to crawl. If fact, most of the environmental factors that are changing the way we grow are caused by ignorance on the part of the scientific community.

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