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Desk Lamp and Sun, HELP!

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Q: Can I let my seedlings stay outside in sunlight during the day and take them in during the night under flourecsnt?




I know that there is a transition period from transfering to both, but i dont know if u can use both.




Okay, i put my seeds in water for about a week, i gave up on them so i put them in dirt in buckets and left them in my room. Then abou 5 days later i check up on them (by accident) and 2 had sprouted! One was a little bit streched but the other still has the shell on the leaves (5 i used, 2 have sprouted so far). Anyways, i left them both outside, but considering were still in winter i brought them back inside and ran out and bought a lamp floursecant light.

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yup that will work, you could even grow them under fluro's 24/7 for now, and prep them for the upcomming outdoor season as it is only a month or so away , lots of growers start their outdoor crops early inside under fluro's it is cheap and effective to give em a head start , some people grow from start to finnish under fluro's but you finnishing it outdoors or under HID lights is allot better yeild wise


all you need is a few compact fluro's and some light leads lol


hope that helped :D

Edited by Pure
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Yes, Thanks Heaps!!!

So, Do you think it would be better to leave them inside under 24/7 for a couple weeks and transfer them outdoors, or to leave them indoors for the night and outside during the day?

personaly I would give them a head start inside with 24/7 fluro's it helps get them past the week and fragile stage when after a week or two add an osilating fan and give them a little breeze this will help them strengthen and prepare for the wind

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