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Hope this is helpful.

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Sorry but this is going to be along post.


We get a brochure from a company in W.A called "Green Harvest Organic Garden Supplies",i just received their latest cattle-dog(catalogue),and have found some products that may be of some benefit to other growers.




This product is mixed with water to create a semi-permeable film,to reduce moisture loss by up to 50% & protect from extreme climatic extremes for up to 3 months.It will increase frost tolerance,reduce transplant shock & drought stress.A good idea for sub-tropical fruit trees in frost prone areas.


RainSaver Water Crystal


Rainsaver can be placed in the root zone of plants to capture & store several hundred times their own weight in water & nutrients. 95% of absorbed water & nutrient is available back to the plant on demand through their roots,which grow directly into the water-swollen crystals.These crystals are adramatic improvement on other versions on the market,with the highest absorbancy of water & the highest stability with nutrients.Rainsaver are effective for approx. 5 years & and have a gel strength 3 times higher than all other water crystals.It does not contaminate soil or ground water.Rates of application:5g per 5 litres of potting mix;5g per 10 litres of back-fill;in atree planting hole,up to 25g per m2 in garden beds. (this stuff is worth $10 for 100g!)




A 100% natural,bio-degradable,ready-to-use spray that will send possums packing.The bitter herbal oils will ALSO dter rabbits and kangaroo's from eating you plants,without harm to the animals.The spray also contains plant food to promote re-growth at th esite of attacks.


[/u]Skunk Shot

RSPCA Endorsed


This effective & long lasting synthetic skunk oil has proven itself in repelling CATS,DOGS and FOXES.The active ingredients,mixed in a petroleum gel,are not affected by rain or heat& and need only be re-applied after 3-4 weeks .A 20ml tube will cover 400m2,using 3-4 dabs per m2.


Man,my two typing fingers have had it !

Hope this is of some benefit to other members. I am going to buy some of this stuff and give it ago,as where the out-door plants are is pretty isolated and i do want to attract unnecessry attention.

If any-one has used these products,could you let me know if they work or not,any info regarding this post will be greatly apreciated.



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Well i can vouch for the water crystals, and they work well indeed. They are however rather expensive...but worth their weight in gold if you wish to visit your outdoor plants less often.

..Pea straw is also one of my other secrets, as in hot weather with hot dry winds...the soil dries out real fast.....

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Yeah, great seed company, and their catalogue is quite educational and interesting. Lots of interesting and potentially useful stuff for the home MJ cultivator. :P


They even sell Nutri-life 4/20 Microbes too. Oh, and they can get aquamisers for the eastern states members, although they do cost a bit more than they are over here in WA where they're made. :D


But a great company, I would urge all members to check it out. ;)

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thnx for the info m8, ive tried that poss off ..it doesnt work at all ...if the possums hungry , they eat anything !....i rekon in extreme circumstances rat bait is the go,make ur fence secure as possible peg down at base ...leave a f"loppy top" on the fence, if they still get in too eat the ratsak then there persistence will be the death of them, sounds harsh but its mull in your pipe or mull comin out the end of theres ...ur choice, thnx
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kellman thanks for the tip .

I have been using the Poss-off for approx 3 weeks and have had success in deterring the roo's,don't know about the possums,but there was fresh roo turd's about 4 foot from one of my plants,looks like he was taking a dump to let me know that he was around and not impressed with the poss-off !

I have a site in NZ that sells baits specifically designed for possums.


Yeah,i know they are Kiwi's,but they got some real good baits and animal deterrents,it is worth havind a look at there site.

I am purchasing this stuff called "Skunk Shot",it has a "range" of 400meters,so it may be effective in getting rid of the roo's for me !


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