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Ok,here is the story.I had a conversation with another grower on adifferent site about HPS and fluoro lighting.


He told me that he had a fluoro capable of putting out 66 000 lumens.


My 400 watt HPS puts out 50 000.


I can hold my hand under a fluoro for ever,can't do that with my HPS.


Everything i have read has told me to use fluoro's for veging and to convert to HID or HPS to finish the plant off.


I haven't been doing this for long and am not quite sure if the info he gave was correct or not,could one of you seasoned/experienced growers shed some light(no pun intended) on this matter for me,as i am some-what confused now ! :D



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If you can find a fluro that puts out 66,000 lumins get me some :D



Fluros are good for cloning and supplementry lights only , of course you can grow under them and the plant will still grow healthy but if you are after yields with nice tight buds , you need to use HPS or Halides or both .



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It could be possible for a high output fluro to put out 66000 lumens but how many are in the usable plant range etc...its like those high intensity led's they look great on paper but costs put it out of most peoples reach..

It is possible to yield aswell under 400 watts of fluro compared to 400 watts of hps this is because as long as you keep to the basic 40-50 watts a square foot the plants will still flower the same..heres an old thread from o/g about it 10k Automated double decker fluro flower room

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Thanks for that awesome link stonedas.


Looks like you have to have a shit-load of lights to make it work though.


Yeah,Roadblock,that was what i was thinking too !

I don't know how old this guy was or how long he has been growing for,but from he said to me and the replies i got from you guys,i think the guy has hand on dick disease !


Once again,thanks for the input.



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