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Strange Spots

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Hello Guys and Gals,


Got a question i'm hoping someone can help me with.


 Ive got 2 plants growing and i've noticed some spots appearing on the leaves.


Some of the seem discoloured whilst another plant has 3 black spots? Really strange. I'm guessing the yellow looking spots are from insects (Ive seen a few green fly's hanging around my baby so that could be the issue. But the black ones are a complete mystery.


Any advice would be appreciated.





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Yellowing/Pale spots are insect damage. Not sure if you're outdoors or not but it looks like sucking/rasping damage which is usually from flying insects.  The black spots are frass... bug shit.  It looks like the same damage I get outdoors, I don't worry about spaying anything, just try to encourage predator insects to come to the garden with companion plants.


If it's the same thing I get (either whitefly or thrips) they won't hang around into bloom, they only seem to like vegative plants, and never seem to reach biblical plauge proportions. If you want to spray something I recommend neem, which didn't absolutely rid of them, but deffinately lowered the numbers. Others may have a better solution.

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i think the insects your seeing flying around are white flies in the past i have had them and never had major problems untill this grow in 3 days they smashed my clones but a couple sprays with Eco Pest from bunnings worked brilliantly


the first spray killed a few but not all of them the second spray i drenched the whole plant and that finally killed them


i had to remove my plants from the tent to work properly so there was no directly light or the exhaust fan drying out the plants to quickly

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Thanks for the info guys.


Rhizo- I honestly didn't think it'd be a turd. It must have stained the leaves. The only bugs I've seen have been these tiny green flys and maybe some spider webs (which I regret moving now)


Sixty-Eight - thanks for the tips mate. Did the spray effect your plants at all?

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Thanks for the info guys.


Rhizo- I honestly didn't think it'd be a turd. It must have stained the leaves. The only bugs I've seen have been these tiny green flys and maybe some spider webs (which I regret moving now)


Sixty-Eight - thanks for the tips mate. Did the spray effect your plants at all?


i sprayed it on freshly rooted clones as my clones came from a friend of a friend and potted in soil with bugs, the plant is now thriving


key is to leave the Eco Pest on for as long as possible untill it eventually dry's it leaves water marks on the leaf's just like a rain drop but doesnt effect it if your worried once u spray wait a few days and spray with fresh water to wash off the Eco Pest


as others said u need to drench the whole plant form top to bottom upside down and right side up if u think your done spray a little longer


when i sprayed mine they were moved to the bathroom where they sat for over night

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