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medical mj



i people just stumbled across this site ,verry good reading about medical use of mj,i have had 2 failed back opps, and the last time they cut me open my surgon actualy cut into my spinal canal,oops any way that was 5years ago ,i was on morf,uppers downers,anything i could get my hans on,so after going around the twist and almost a marrage break up ,kids all upset ,ect ect ect ,ow almost wanting to top myself off, my doc at the time said u are on cancer pain drugs now there is nothing i can give you stronger ,i explained i looked into growing mj,and she said go for it as the drugs im droping down my mouth,are not doing anything,she also said because i was taking morf ,i had to be a reg drug user also the fact that i was already a registerd drug user so ,like some people have said coppers would be assholes if they tryed to make a case against you when your medical records,show what i have been taking they would be made to look like fools,i dont sell it i only grow for medical personal use,so since comming of the man made drugs,and depresents about 2 years ago everything is almost a normal life,loving wife,loving kids.i have managed to go back to work,so it boils down to one of the man up top providing a great pain relife ;)
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Good luck WAIX_Herbie, i hope it helps.


If you have had it before the leaf probably won't do much, but if you havn't you might find it great. When you taste heads however you will be entering a world of taste and it will be strong enough to give you some relief, unfortunately after tasting heads, leaf will be horrible. Last time i had it, my mouth started watering like it was trying to get the taste out of my mouth.


Don't let that put you off though, just because it tastes like crap to smoke doesn't mean leaf isn't good for other things.

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