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Extra Light

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Setup the fluoro's around the sides of the plant to bush it out more.. it will noticeably improve your yield surely. I have 2x 48w compct fluoros which ill use in my clone room, but when i have no clones in there.. they will definately be put in my main grow room.. I might even buy some to keep in there indefinately.. they are of different light spectrums to hps also.. so this helps alot too.
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it all depends what type of fluros u have if its the old style forget it they dont put out enough light for there size if you have the CFL this will be handy place them around i nthe shaded spots (note the opposite side to where the main light is hitting) dont waist your time with trying to fatten up the little skimpy buds just let them go your main concirn would be the main colars
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When you realistically compare fluoros to good HID lighting.......




GET A HID LIGHT. I buy EXCELLENT quality name brand 400w lights for $100, posted anywhere in Aus. The light penetration is superior to anything, also... there would be no hesitation in decision on what to buy if you have grown with HID before.. the growth rate is phenomenal compared to fluoros. Alot of fluoro growers like to brag about their fluoros and what buds they get... but at the end of the day.. GROW 1000W HID on, say, 4 plants... see what you think. The fluoros would be better to be added to a veg phase room, or a male or clone room.. leave them out the grow room.. After personal experiences, it's not worth the power they consume.


Good luck


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The 48w $24 Bunnings cf's down at my local Bunnings are awesome.. I tried to hold up a 14w cf in my grow room.. and I couldn't barely see the light coming from it. My two 48w ones were excellent.. but I dropped them moving my clone setup :wub: It's ok.. I've found the light now, hehe.. in HID's.
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