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stoned cats and dogs

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A Victorian vet says he sees more than a dozen stoned cats and dogs a year because negligent owners feed their pets cannabis cookies and cake.


But the only thing to do for the dazed, confused and disoriented pets was to let them sleep off the drug, Dr Neil Howard said.


Pets affected by the drug had been taken to Dr Howard's veterinary surgeries in the coastal towns of Torquay, Anglesea and Lorne, in Victoria's south-west, for the past 10 years.


The biggest problem was people deliberately feeding their dogs cannabis cakes and cookies, he said, although small dogs and cats could become stoned just by inhaling marijuana smoke.


"A lot of it is deliberate drugging by people making cannabis cookies and cake and giving some to their pets thinking it will be okay for the animal to eat it," Dr Howard said.


"But what people don't seem to realise is that it's not good for the dog and it doesn't enjoy it, so don't do it.


"It's not a malicious or cruel thing people are doing to their pets.


"In some cases a parent comes home and finds their teenage son or daughter has fed the animal marijuana and brings it into the surgery."


Dr Howard said although the animals were not in any pain as a result of the drug, they could be in danger because of their dazed and confused state of mind.


"As is often the case down here, people take their dogs for walks on cliff tops and if a dog is stoned and is let off the lead, it could be in danger of falling off a cliff," he said.


"There is nothing we can give them, they just need to sleep it off.


"Most people who bring their stoned pets are ashamed of themselves because it's not a malicious thing they have done, it's usually just meant to be playful."


But Dr Howard said the problem was too widespread to report to police or the RSPCA.


"It's not a welfare issue," he said.


He said it was not isolated to Victoria's Surf Coast, renowned for its famous surf beaches and laid back lifestyle.


"I have heard of this problem in other areas of the country and some research has been done in America," Dr Howard said.


"I know of one dog in America that died after being given the drug."


Researchers from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Warsaw, Poland, have analysed the effect of cannabis ingestion by dogs.


From 1998 to 2003, 213 incidences were recorded of dogs that developed clinical signs following oral exposure to the drug with 99 per cent showing neurologic signs and 30 per cent gastrointestinal signs.


The effects lasted between 30 minutes and 96 hours, but all animals made a full recovery, the research revealed.


A spokeswoman from the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) said the association was not aware of the problem.


Author: The Age

Date: July 8, 2004 - 1:01PM

Source: The Age

Copyright: Copyright © 2004. The Age Company Ltd.



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But what people don't seem to realise is that it's not good for the dog and it doesn't enjoy it, so don't do it.


"It's not a malicious or cruel thing people are doing to their pets.


Fucking bullshit, I have smoked in to a dogs nose I used to use and from that point the dog could always smell weed. If I had a smoke he used to come and annoy the fuck outta me until I breathed a mouthful of smoke in the air. I never needed to blow it at him as he sniffed it all up.


In my teenage years I used to get a kick out of blowing my animals out, and I never met one that didnt want more by choice.



dog, cats, fish, birds, possums, pig,

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animals dont like pot??? that is like saying howards nose isnt up bush's ass ::blink::


my cat loved pot, he would follow me out the the garage and sit there waiting for his smoke...seriously, he would jump on the seat next to me and if i blew the smoke in his general direction he would stretch his neck right out into the smoke and cop the biggest hit he could... Like all animals tho, it did get a bit much for him if i were too close and he would back away a bit, but when the smoke wasnt so dence, we toked like old buddies lol


my girlfriends cat is a leaf eating machine....no matter what plant it is, if its green and looks remotely real, she'll eat it ;) she doesnt really like buds but any leaf that is still wet, she'll die before she gives up trying to get it....i honestly believe the cat would give up food, its mother and a warm place to sleep for an ounce of wet leaf :)


now animals dont really have an option to what humans do to them...i dont suggest giving ur pet drugs, but if u are going to make sure they are in a safe area, are given a pissweak amount and most importantly, have lots of food and water around cuz a big ass dog with the munchies will eat ya cupboard out B)

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I did it a couple of differnt ways,

1st time I tried it was as simple as using a straaw and blowing smoke in to the water, the fish thought you were feeding them so they would come and hang around the straw.

I also tried a little bit of hash oil on a flake of food, I just heated the oil a little first.


The funniest thing to watch though was when I gave some to my mexican walking fish,

as amphibians they breathe air or water, so you take them and put them in a container then fill the container up with smoke and it breathes it in.


I reakoned the fish liked it because when ever I put the straw in the water they would all fight around it and push each other out of the way.

The mexican walking fish would try and escape its fish tank and i once found it in the container that I used to blow it out :blink:.


now I forced the dog to smoke the first time, but after that I did what wantachronic did, just blow it towards the ground and the dog made sure to get in the smoke and suck it up.

I never forced it near him either.


Actually last night I tried it with my staff cross, the first time he didnt know wtf to do, but after that he followed the joint around the table jumping on whoever it was having atoke.

My mates were pissing themselves watching the dog follow the joint.

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"I have heard of this problem in other areas of the country and some research has been done in America," Dr Howard said.


"I know of one dog in America that died after being given the drug."


The effects lasted between 30 minutes and 96 hours, but all animals made a full recovery, the research revealed.


This is the bullshit we've got to put up with. What the hell is "I know of one dog" supposed to prove?? What was the dogs health condition before it was given the drug? How much of the drug was it given? Was it given anything else? Was there a control group?


Does he have any facts whatsover to back it up?


No, and to the contrary, that Polish study found that all of the animals recovered.


It sucks because idiots are going to read the interview with Dr Howard (any relation to John??) and assume that a dog was killed by mj in America.


At least this article also put those facts in about the Polish reasearch.

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pfft if my dog could read and type he'd have something to say . some dogs LOVE pot it is people who get dogs drunk who are being fools.


My dog would sratch on my door if I was in my room smoking and he was not in their reaping the benifits :blink:



the dogs that get taken to the vets are probably so stoned that they are at the stage that we would call greening out


My dog knows the smell of pot smoke and he goes where the smell is

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hey ferengi .... the meixcan walking fish ? .... .. was it good Mexican Sativa ?... & did it start dancing as well ... Cha Cha Cha .. he he


you should get a job at a Zoo ... a lot of those poor creatures locked up & put on show ... could do with a buzz .. they looked terribly bored sometimes .. & maybe they could laugh at the spectators for a change ..


Gorilla with a hash cookie ... now that would go ape !... he he ::blink:: :lol:

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I would never blow my cat out because she hates smoke. She runs away if you light up when she is in the room.. so I make sure no one else blows smoke at her.. it isn't right, she doesn't like it..


My dog on the other hand is starting to get a bit old so he it obviously, it makes him feel better..

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