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Hi guys for those that don't already know, Greens Senator Richard Di Natale will be introducing a medical cannabis bill to the parliment tomorrow.


One thing he has made very clear to us is that many politicians are totally blind to the fact that cannabis has legitimate medical uses and for this bill to have any chance of passing people need to be contacting the,Senators, local members and other state and federal members of parliment letting them know cannabis DOES have legitimate medical uses and urging them to support this Bill.


What can you do you ask....


One thing you can do is copy and email the letter below to all or any of the Senators from the link at the end of this post and to anyone else you think might need to read it (please feel free to add other names and emails of people you feel needs to read it to this thread)


Or you can write your own letter. (feel free to add any other letters to this thread so others can choose to use them if they wish)


Remember if we are not united in compassion we remain divided in suffering.



I am writing to you to bring your attention to the Medical Cannabis Bill being introduced into the parliament tomorrow by Senator Di Natale and ask that you support it.

I appreciate that like many you may not be aware that cannabis has legitimate medical uses and thus be somewhat cautious to support such a bill.

Recently The United In Compassion, Inaugural Medical Cannabis Symposium was held in Tamworth where many speakers presented information regarding the use of cannabinoids for medication.

Cannabis has many legitimate medical uses and there are large numbers of people in Australia who need this Bill urgently enacted into law.

Australians who currently are suffering and dying without access to this medication or living in fear of the current laws whilst obtaining and using black market cannabis.

Australians like Dan Haslam, Deisha Stevens, Katelyn Lambert, Cooper Wallace and Lindsay Carter for example to name just a few,

If you are unfamiliar with cannabis used as medicine and the real life stories of the medical cannabis patients and carers mentioned above, I passionately urge you to please take a few minutes to read about them in the links at the end of this letter.

Again I ask that you support senator Di Natale's Bill and I thank you for taking the time to read this letter.


United In Compassion

Medical Cannabis Symposium

Dan Haslam http://dansstory.com.au/#story

Deisha Steven

Katelyn Lambert

Cooper Wallace

Lindsay Carter


LINK: Australian Senators


Cannabis Compassion Australia


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