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personally I would use netiher of them,

These types of reflectors can cause Hotspots in the grow room.

Which appear to be some other problem like nutroents or ph or somethjing, so you waste time fighting these problems and then cant fix them anyways.


Hot spots are a PIA.


You would be much better using panda, you know that white plastic stuff with a black back. which is usually cheaper then mylar.


Or even paint the whole inside of your grow area with flat plastic paint in white.


If you must use foil then use Mylar not foil, and if you must use foil use the flat side of it not the shiny side.



Panda from ebay.

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Mylar is different to foil and it is probably the best reflective surface (it was developed for NASA), but not by much and as Ferengi points out hot spots can be a problem but only if it isn't fitted correctly, Panda film, if available in the US, is easier to use, easier to keep clean and much stronger, the next best reflective surface to use is flat white ceiling paint.


I have heard that there is a hikers emergency blanket available in the US that is made from Mylar and retails for around $2 but if it has fold creases in it they could cause hot spots.



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