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Hi all, jus thought I'd share this with ya, Thursday am here now. week 2

Went into hospital last tuesday (22nd) for rotor cuff (shoulder surgery), went ok i think, pulled out bout 25 mill of bone that had been givin me shits for few years, any how they told me when come outa surgery that ive will hav own morphine container round neck an when pain, jus press button (they said couldnt overdose)

anyhow Tuesday mornin early, they put needle in behind shoulder blade, blockout they call, when he puts needle in he asks when tingly in fingers an he injects blockout ? any how shoulder/arm goes numb for 18 hrs, do op, finished in 1 hour (routine but bit messy inside )so now ive got this morph container round neck, feel bit shitty but no real pain, so try this morph woohoo i like it , so jus start pressin nurse comes in, looks, i tell feel like shit (arm asleep hangin out bed an me thinkin its across my stomach) she puts my arm in, an i tell her ive been pushin morph button too much she checks an says no problem an if I need more they will swap with new container :D

now comes down side, tuesday evenin an weds morn, im jus vomiting every 20 mins cant hold down anything, they give me anti nausea drugs, help bit for bout an hour then back to vomiting, they give me some more, still vomitting they check with doc an change med to stronger anti nausea, still dont work. im not good by now sweatin an shiverin at same time, had to change bed linen (wet) 3 times.

I tell them i want morph off. they say ill need it when block out wares off. i say no fuck it off, they tell me to keep agin,i start to take the fuckin drip out. So they take drip out.

now i say i wanna shower an toilet leave ME alone, they go, i grab stash from bag an pipe an stumble into toilet for couple of very wobbly cones , hav shower come out an hungry, get food into me, an im ok

the hospital staff are amazed as they were gettin worried, they actually said that the second anti nausea med musta worked,

I didnt have heart to tell them NO it was my homegrown that did trick an there synthetic drugs are fucked, i jus asked when i could go home, they said next mornin if i was ok, an needless to say with my trusty pipe an herb every 4 or 5 hours ive come through ok.

hhhhmmm modern medicine


any how time for more medicine, B) Mozz :P

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