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Help a researcher - are these figures right?

Guest niall

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high all,


well i smoke about 3.5 grams by myself in about 3-5 dayz ... i have a little tobasco in my mix to make it smoother (dont like too much)


1 gram would come out to about approx. 15 - 20 cones


Hope that helps ... I need a little tobasco right now ... tried to smoke it straight and just made me couggh ... B)


~ ROCKmyJOCKs <!~~~~ :D

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l can only talk on my experience so here it is:


10days veg/58days flower =3-4oz dry(nth light cross bberry)

10daysveg/55days flower =4-4.5oz dry(big bud)


l would agree that 4joints per gram and depending on how much tobacho added approx 15 cones per gram


l suffer cronic back pain and servere arthritis and after many operations can say for me only that smoking pot helps relieve pain(so l use less morphine) and also it reduces my anxiety in regards to the feelings of helplessness that are ever so present.

l smoke approx 10 joints per day(awake7:00am asleep12:00am)approx 17hrday

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Everyone i used to smoke with used to smoke at least 3 cones/session (usually 5) as many as 10 times/day but usually 7-8 times/day (breaky, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, arriving home, after dinner, about 8:30ish and about 10:30ish), everyday.


That was all the time, 3 cones was ration but if we had plenty we would smoke 5. Like i said, everyone i knew smoked like that not just me.

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Are your figures needing to be about Australian cannabis use specifically ? As the British Columbia Marijuana Party has extremly extensive and researched statistics about marijuana use, particularly in Canada and the USA, but also around the world as well. I definetly think they would be the people to contact. I personally would say the two best people there to speak to are Chris Bennett who runs Pot TV and Richard Cowan who is their news reporter and David Malmo Lavine that is the official acitivist and researcher for the party. I dont have their individual contact addresses on me, but contact them through www.pot-tv.net or www.bcmarijuanaparty.com and they will help you out if they can.


As for your statistics, like everyone else said there are *way* too many variables for them to even be remotly accurate. Beleive it or not I have seen guys make joints packed with 4 grams of bubble hash (seriously) and I have seen miserly people that put the smallest amount of dirt weed into a joint, so you have both ends of the spectrum.

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I agree that there are "way" too many variables.


For example i've just been on a month away from pot, and now my tolerance is drastically reduced and i use MUCH less.


I would smoke between 3-8 on an average day and now i'm slowly building up from around 2-3, coz it knocks me around a lot more.

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