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Help a researcher - are these figures right?

Guest niall

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Guest niall

A nice fellow from Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform is trying to confirm some cannabis figures. Can anyone help confirm some of these?:



I need some help to update or revise my figures on cannabis consumption.

Could someone please advise me if my figures are still right or where they

need to be changed.


13 cones = 1 gm

3 - 4 joints = 1 gm

a daily cannabis user consumes 35 gm per month

about 80% smoke cones

an average user will smoke about 40 joints or cones per year


14% use daily

13.5% use a few times per week

11% use weekly

18.1% use monthly

11.7% use every few months

31.1% use once or twice per year


a hydroponic cannabis plant can produce up to 800gm of cannabis annually?

what is the average yield?

what is the average yield of an outdoor plant?



Clearly we don't have an accurate sample of cannabis users here, but some of the measurements we could confirm - 13 cones/g, 3-4 joints/g, yields per plant etc.?

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Way too many variables, what size cone or joint, spun or not? There are no standard sizes for either or for the percentage of spin. How much does a daily cannabis smoker use? If for medical reasons then it could be an ounce or more per week, for recreational users it can vary drastically depending on how busy they are or how many sessions they have with mates and I know smokers that would go through 20 - 30 cones a day, let alone 40 a year.


The percentages cannot be termed as accurate and researchers will have a hard time getting many of us paranoid smokers to admit freely to mj use whilst it remains illegal but I do know of a doctor that claims around 50% of patients have used or are regular users, I would rely more on figures like that as people are more honest with their doctors than they are with someone knocking on their door with a clipboard full of questions.


The average yield of a plant depends again on many variables such as strain, grow method, lighting/weather, added nutrients, CO2 availability or usage, etc.


Clearly we don't have an accurate sample of cannabis users here, but some of the measurements we could confirm - 13 cones/g, 3-4 joints/g, yields per plant etc.?
Oz Stoner's is probably the most accurate sample of cannabis users available in Australia at this time, more mj users use this site than any other Australian mj site on the net.
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I would disagree that we're an accurate sample tom, most of us are growers or interested in doing as such. A large proportion of smokers would never smoke more than once a month, let alone once a week or daily as some of us do.


And yeah, there are far too many variables to make statements about the "average" daily user...


Yeilds per plant is likewise too variable to say... some growers only grow plants to a couple of feet high and get an ounce of each one, but grow many. They may grow hundreds of cannabis plants a year. Some may grow various strains through the year, it's a lot quicker to grow to harvest indoors...

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I would disagree that we're an accurate sample tom, most of us are growers or interested in doing as such.
Yeah, but what I mean is, is there a better source of information available at this time? The anomnity of this site is more likely to encourage people to be honest rather than cagey with any information. In fact a lot of the required information has probably been posted here already, it just needs to be located. :B):



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Guest niall
Way too many variables

Best guess mate - tell me what you think.


what size cone or joint, spun or not?


Assume your standard, small brass bonza cone, no spin.


How much does a daily cannabis smoker use? If for medical reasons then it could be an ounce or more per week, for recreational users it can vary drastically depending on how busy they are or how many sessions they have with mates and I know smokers that would go through 20 - 30 cones a day, let alone 40 a year.


Of course, but we're talking averages here. The guy has research data, and he'd just like to confirm if they're way out. If you can spot any clear discrepancies please comment.


The percentages cannot be termed as accurate and researchers will have a hard time getting many of us paranoid smokers to admit freely to mj use whilst it remains illegal


Sure, but research data is the best the scientific community has. Until more accurate sampling can be made (and I personally believe it's fairly accurate already, go read one of their studies and look at what they take into account, their sample sizes and the approved methods of attracting participants), this is all the guy has.


I'm not asking us to come up with definitive answers, just comment on what your best guess would be.


The average yield of a plant depends again on many variables such as strain, grow method, lighting/weather, added nutrients, CO2 availability or usage, etc.


Hence average - taking all of these variables into account, what do you think the average plant would yield? Say 3-4oz? 20oz? 1oz?


Oz Stoner's is probably the most accurate sample of cannabis users available in Australia at this time, more mj users use this site than any other Australian mj site on the net


I'd tend to agree, but I'd qualify that with "online cannabis users" - we're most definitly not an accurate sample, or the most accurate sample that researchers have access to.

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B).. to funny.. how much does one smoke...hmmm


i could smoke 3-4 grams a day..so can alot of ppl a have meet in life...

i have reatlves that can and do the same .. a Oz chit thats good for a week depends on the moods after work and what not...

i use it for joint pain aswell as head high...but mostle want my smoke for the body buzz...but like one guy on here now has to give up his grow over bs.... but i have to say feel for you who can't goto store for our seeds....


but like one said At lease Keep one plaint.... i know here they can't do shit over 3 plaints.....



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Ps.......i also did not have a good turn out with my grow.....


but what i did score with its not bad at all....#3 plaints...... mite last me..hmmmmmm a week... that bad.... but have 5 more under 12/12....


cloned afew more there not looking as good.....again bad luck and the dealer makes more money off me :angry: B) :angry:


Any ways Happy high all

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