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Shade cloth

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yep you can grow under shade cloth but you don't want to much shade

30% shade cloth is what i'm using but this will not stop people seeing strait though it


So i'm going to give this a go http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/2-05m-wide-CLEAR-Solarweave-HOTHOUSE-FABRIC-15-Greenhouse-Shade-House-Plastic-/201071555438 ( This was at Bunnings last time i was there )

It's like frosted glass & is 15% shade , you can see in but can't make out what your seeing

& if you were to use some shade cloth as well only on there side of the fence

this would help to stop any vision though the solarweave

but don't shade your grow to much only cover what can be seen from there side of the fence


I would also consider making friends with next door if your not already

Its better they think your a lovely boy than to have to make stuff up about you

which is what people do when they don't know you , they judge a book by it's cover 

Edited by itchybromusic
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