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Light Cycle

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Debateable, but yeah, that's the general idea. Some would say that the plants grow the same at 18/6 as they do at 24/0, but lots grow under 24/0 with good results, so I suppose the proof is in the pudding really


under 24 hours lighting I have found that the plants grow faster ie- they keep growing and dont stop to sleep.


I also noticed in the comparison grow that I did that the power savings were minimal at best, it maybe that heating the light and ballast up uses an equivilant amount of power compared to just leaving it turned on( i dont know?)

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under 24 hours lighting I have found that the plants grow faster ie- they keep growing and dont stop to sleep.


I also noticed in the comparison grow that I did that the power savings were minimal at best, it maybe that heating the light and ballast up uses an equivilant amount of power compared to just leaving it turned on( i dont know?)

thats an interesting finding I guess it would depend on your lighting system but the extra couple of hours a day are worth it to me if it means I can keep my veg stage at a month instead of adding a few weeks ontop

for this grow in particular I am on a time limit as I don't think I will be renueing my lease in 4 1/2 months time so I need it all harvested dried and growroom turned back to normal before then

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it's been my experiance that plants do not grow any faster when the lights are on 24 hours in vegie growth - IMHO they grow thicker with closer internode length when they have 6 hours of darkness - this is because the root mass gets larger much more faster with a few hours of dark time- this in turn makes the plant grow faster and more disease resistant.


But this is only my option




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I do 4 weeks @ 20/4 (I like my ladies to rest and build strong roots) and that gives me roughly 20 inches height on each of the four ladies.


I turned mine down 2 1/2 weeks ago (yay!!) to 12/12 and this time I gave them around 40 hours of sleep before lighting in a bid to stop them stretching so much (they have a little sat' in them..)


Bloody hell, last time they were about 5 foot tall each, bent around near the top of the room they did. Last time I didn't give them any sleep in the transistion and boy did they take a little coaxing to turn. Although, the final tally was 27 oz's off four ladies, quite happy.


Saving for a computer and camera, getting there slowly..so keen to show ya's!!


18- 24 is perfect, but I like them to sleep in veg, I heard this is actually vital but I have seen success all matter of different ways, one way that interests me was 24/12 with some sort of split timer, my brains asleep, but it fucks with the days etc etc..... Its somewhere on this site the info...


I think I have gotten rid of the spider mites from last time, believe it or not!!





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