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Mate, i've got a similar problem and it's doing my head in. I got 6 plants going, growing at phenominal rate and health and bamm! Hermie balls appear and knock the wind out of my sails. I sprayed with 'BudWise' aerosol can as 2 hydro shops recomended it for me. It recomended that i reduce nutrients to 50% a day before spraying and 2 days afterwards. I skipped that as i was in a hurry and panic that they are going to be polinated. If this crop seeded i was doomed. Anyway, over the next 7 days i hadn't noticed any change in them. Interestinly, mine also had some weird flowers that had the white female pistils coming out, but also some yellow little male banana things in them. Wierd. But seven days later i noticed the other balls looking more definately male with shape and characteristics and so i sprayed again. This time i reduced nutriends on first day to 50%, and second day almost nothing but water. Now when i shake the plant balls drop to the plastic floor and i can hear them hit. Tomorrow when i wake up i will check to see their progress. I'm feeling optimistic. But i've been frustrated with the lack of information on this product or customer support as there is no contact phone number, email address or web site for info at all on the can so u can imagine i was concerned that it was dodgie. I couldn't find a single person on the net thats used it. Any way, good luck mate. Nothing worse than putting in all that effort and money to see them turn hermie. BTW mine turned that way because the room was too hot. Running 6x600 hps in a medium size room with low ceilings. BentBuddha
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Well, it's the next morning and i've shaken the plants without balls falling off. Realize now that that wasn't such a good idea as any balls that may have opened up will throw their pollen everywhere. One thing i have noticed is that the newer and less mature balls just fall off when u touch them. The more formed and older balls seem keen to stick around so i spent a couple of hrs in the room pulling them off. Now at least i know if this happens again that i need to get in as early as possible and spray properly following the instructions as it mainly works on the young/small balls. Hope this info helps someone cos i couldn't find shit on the net.
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