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will Dutch seeds grow well in Australia?

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i was wondering if Dutch Marijuana which has gotten use to their climate grow properly in Australian climates? cuz were i plan to plant it is cold at nights, sometimes frosts, so it would be good if some of their frost resistant sativas grow here.... :P also there lots of fog n due so thier strians mold resistance is good 4 me...

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MJ is an annual which grows in spring summer and autumn, I doubt you'd need to worry about frost tolerance unless you live in a very high elevation or a very cold area of Australia.

As ThcAholic has said, it's the heat, not so much the cold, that's a problem in Oz, as even the relatively cold areas of OZ have a long enough growing season to put out great plants. B)


So yeah, they should do fine, just don't go planting in the early spring if it's still frosting where you are, you can certainly start young seedlings indoors and transplant them out by the time frosts have past though, and it gives you a little jump ahead of spring to get the plants nice and ready to rocket off. :D


Hope that helps.

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no I havent grown Kiwi green but I have grow sativas from NZ, they are really weather tolerant.


I had one crop get snowed on and it still pulled through ok.


I have read alot on Roostanz Kiwi green and I reakon it would be perfer for what your after.

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Ya sativa's are the pic for outdoor..although flowering time is a killer = you must plant them out early..or they will never finish (at least in my climate anyways!!) I waz thinking of trying some PNG gold..however the flowering time is stated conseratively at 115days..however they can grow up to 3-4 METRES high...and yield up to 20 kilo/plant in optimum conditions..finished fully (with right phenotype of course!!). Obviously not good plant for stealth (:blink:!!)..but a few of these and you'd be set......
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