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Cannabis Tincture Recipie



Better still, make your own :P



* In a small saucepan, heat 2 or 3 tablespoons full of honey on a low flame. Don't let it start frothing over.


* Grind the herb (1/16 to 1/4 oz ... let your conscience be your guide) as fine as possible, through a strainer or in a grinder. Dump it into the honey.


* While stirring it around, add a couple of ounces water or vodka. This is important because otherwise the cooked honey will cool into an unmanageable texture. You want liquid. Mystery Person started using vodka after being told that THC is also alchohol soluble. He figured that maybe the longer the finished product sat the stronger it would get.


* Continue cooking over low heat for 30 minutes. Fresh grated ginger or lemon juice can be added for flavor, or if you wanna get cute.


* Pour it off into a little jar with a good lid. Cool/store in fridge ... although we don't know if this is really essential for freshness and potency. Seems like a good idea.


* Start experimenting with dosages at ONE TEASPOON. That's right. Mystery Person says that one teaspoon gives a very mellow, even-keel buzz, sort of like 10 mg of Valium. It'll really depends on how much herb you used and how strong it is to begin with. Having just made a batch with about an eighth, Mystery Person says that on one teaspoon, you'll find yourself thinking, Goddamn you just might be stoned! On two teaspoons you will know you are stoned. On three teaspoons, everyone else will know you are stoned.

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