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Ok fellow Ozstoners I’ve really had the shits with these shit laws up here, not only in Queensland but the rest of the country. It’s 12.08am on a Thursday morning and has received a phone call from my niece Skye who face court yesterday in Inala Queensland for the possession of a cone and copped a $250.00 fine and got a conviction for it. So big Uncle Don’t Panic has had enough. Bloody Child Molesters get less up here. So now its time I started my shit, I call on All Ozstoners to email me, and supply me the reason as to why Mj should be legalized or at least decriminalized. Please none of this because I get high and love the feeling.


What I need is the hard facts, as an email will be sent to every Government Minister in Oz. I will keep emailing until one, they respond, or two they turn up here, after my computer and me. In which case it will end up before the courts.


So Ozstoners here is you chance, so please help. Email me at : anytime_420time@yahoo.com.au

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i've had a question i've been pondering for a while,

why does socity consider pot to be more harmful then tobacco or alchol?


they are all addictive (mentally)

they are all emotion/mind altering suplements

they all can kill you from side effects


so what's the f'n difference?




fuck the system

overgrow the goverment

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Because the govt must be getting a kickback somehow.


Alcohol is one of the quickest ways to kill a relationship, how many familes have busted up because of alcohol. Or rather how many should have busted up over alcohol.

I havent heard of anyone getting stoned and bashing up the kids and Mrs. But I have seen many people on alcohol go off and bash the family.

Take the Movie "once were warriors- Alan Duff), Its how alot of us new zealanders were raised it was exaggerated at all, and it was over alcohol.


Cigarettes- Well I used to smoke cigs at around 50 cigs a day,

I felt tired all the time, always had sore throats, it took all my spare money. And was very hard to get off.

And for what? it doesnt do anyone any good.


MJ on the other hand, allows me to sleep, it allows me to live day to day.

I suffer from severe Migraines and Scoliosis of my back.

The meds the Dr is allowed to prescibe me doesnt work very well and it severly fucks my brain around etc.


Not to mention the fact that MJ mellows you out and relaxs you.

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Not that I agree with it, but the reason MJ is not legal meanwhile equally, if not harsher substances are legal is because tobacco and booze have been around and legal for a long time and they do not want to add another dangerous drug to the market. Meanwhile they know if alcohol and ciggarettes become illegal they will not only lose votes but tax revenue.


Also although marijuana is actually illegal the laws are very lax and it is more of a socially accpeted drug than say heroine.

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Tobacco and alcohol are substantially more deadly and more socially destructive drugs than cannabis by a loooooong shot.


And we haven't even started to discuss the multitudes of GOOD effects that cannabis use can have, leaving dependent recreational use completely aside.


The only reason MJ is illegal as a recreational, medicinal and textile plant, is because there is money in it for those in power. Simple. And evil. Bastards.

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Why should it be legal?


- Would reduce crime

- Government rebates

- Australia.. Future Anstradam (sp) .. Delis? No! Mull shops! EVERY CORNER! (i can dream.. So can you, Im sure)





I was going to say something about baccy and booze, but i forgot.. But its something along the lines of;

Marijuana doesnt cause any side effects that come even close to the use of baccy and booze :wub:


Bob hawke, You should have legalized it while you had the chance!

Paul Keating, You wanker, I didnt vote you in for nothing.

John Howard, You wanker, I didnt vote you in at all.


Free the Weed.

Grow the Snow.

Share the Ware.

Edited by alch
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Not that I agree with it, but the reason MJ is not legal meanwhile equally, if not harsher substances are legal is because tobacco and booze have been around and legal for a long time and they do not want to add another dangerous drug to the market.

I cant belive you just fscking said that.

"Dangerous drug" ? What? Weed? Are you stupid?


Its safer than smoking ciggerettes, Safer than going upto the pub on a friday night.



Because your lungs wont get cancer from smoking ciggies, Your liver wont get fubar from drinking piss!


But eh, Whats life without all three? ..



weed and wine, you'll do just fine..

booze and grass, you're on your ass.


<3 so true.

(ps, im post happy tonight.) :wub:

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