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England fans free to smoke dope

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World News > England fans free to smoke dope


London, June 11 (IANS) :


England soccer fans will now be allowed to smoke dope before a crunch clash with France in Portugal Sunday - to keep them calm!


Lisbon Police plan to crack down on drunk supporters while turning a blind eye to those smoking drugs, The Sun reported.


Drug smoking fans have been assured they will not be arrested, cautioned or even have their drugs confiscated, the paper said. Experts said Lisbon police's policy would reduce the chances of fighting between rival fans.


Alan Buffry of the Legalise Cannabis Alliance said: "If people are drinking alcohol they lose control, if they smoke cannabis they don't."


"Alcohol makes fans fight. But cannabis smokers will be shaking hands and singing along together," he said.


Author: World News

Date: June 11

Source: http://news.newkerala.com/world-news/index...ents=1&id=22499

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Unfuckingreal. I can't believe the cops were openminded enough to even consider this plan of action. What happened? Did the police commisioner of Lisbon suddenly wake up one morning with a brain? Its....its.. incredible. Maybe too incredible to be true. Anyone got confirmation on this article? Call me pessimistic but the only time I've ever heard of this kind of thing happening is at Mardi Grass or when there's a riot happening. Even then its a blind eye and hardly official proclamation that its open season to get stoned. Cunt cops have never to my knowledge declared to the news that they intend to overlook dope smoking. Not til now at any rate.


Marvellous. It seems everything has its use in this world. For every action there is counteraction and balances made. Even soccer hooligans have proven useful. Their predictable mindless drunken group violence over the years has enabled an end to marijuana prohibition, if only temporarily and in an isolated area. Perhaps this is the beginning of new crowd control policies in Lisbon. Interesting.

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What happened? Did the police commisioner of Lisbon suddenly wake up one morning with a brain? Its....its.. incredible. Maybe too incredible to be true.
It was actually a police initiative that got the laws relaxed over there in the first place. Under much political criticism they implemented a decriminalisation trial in one of their areas and then with the extra time gained they decimated the serious crime in that locality, many critics suddenly became supporters when they were shown how much police time was being wasted on such a stupid and ineffective law and political pressure changed in favour of decriminalisation.


Also, if I were a bobby at one of those matches I would rather get an offer to sit and toke for a while than a bottle in the back of the head. :lol:



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My first thought was that it is an elaborate sting operation by the police,but after further investigation i find it to be legit. Lets hope that this initiative will encourage other countries around the world to at least trial this experiment. - CALYX.
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I'll bet the aftermatch street party rivals Woodstock. Satellite pictures of Lisbon will have a white haze about them. That news made my week. Nice to see commonsense still occasionally prevails in this ludicrous modern age we enjoy. This is almost enough to turn me around on my opinions regarding cops. Almost. The filthy lying scum bastard cunt pigs.



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