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Haslams meet with Premier

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I am still disspointed it will be for terminally ill only.. while a step in the right direction it seems to avoid the issues which affect many aussies like pain, epilepsy ETC...I cant see people with chronic pain or parents with children who seizure 20 times a day going out and hitting the campaing trail... I have heard mixed reports about the Haslams... some say they are all about getting it for terminally ill only and others that sya they are on board for a broader range of legalisation... judging by the story it doesnt look like it will be for any other people other than the dieing... i will hold complete judgment up until the announcement but lets face it the way the Libtards are going with corruption scandals you think it would be a great way to get votes back...

Edited by Midget
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I am still disspointed it will be for terminally ill only.. while a step in the right direction it seems to avoid the issues which affect many aussies like pain, epilepsy ETC...I cant see people with chronic pain or parents with children who seizure 20 times a day going out and hitting the campaing trail... I have heard mixed reports about the Haslams... some say they are all about getting it for terminally ill only and others that sya they are on board for a broader range of legalisation... judging by the story it doesnt look like it will be for any other people other than the dieing... i will hold complete judgment up until the announcement but lets face it the way the Libtards are going with corruption scandals you think it would be a great way to get votes back...


Well, we are all dieing.. some just a little quicker than others !

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I agree. Anything to get the media away from the rotting core of the NSW liberal party.


I still believe that the reason Australia is lagging behind the rest our allies is because these crooks in power have more to gain financially from prohibition then opening up to the market.


Every poll shows that we (Australians) won't cannabis legal at least for medical reasons. Hell I answered yes to the latest SMH survey and the results show that 95% of 2567 respondents seek legalisation.


Unfortunately the political elite have no interest in what the people want, its what the big end of town and the super wealthy demand.


I believe that legalisation can be a reality if we take the fight to the government if we are willing to smarten our appearance and speak there language ... Business and law.


Just look at the BOSS suits and Armani ties these new Turks in the US are getting around in. They are savvy business men and women that have MBAs, marketing, law and business degrees so talk the language of business and don't get involved in the 'but it's a natural herb man!' debate ... Now look at ol' mate Mr Tony Bower I'm Sure he is a lovely bloke but just going by his appearance if I was a politician I would be a little suspicious of his operation. Hell I'd even cross the road if he was walking towards me on a dark street.


I know that by saying this I'm setting myself up for some butthurt and I could be way of course but if there is going to be a change in legislation unfortunately we have to play them at there own game and win.

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Go look at Tony Bower history, his submission to NSW committee last year ( talking to the suits ) etc.

I think your way out line talking about crossing the road from him because of his looks.


If you personally have done more than him to advance medical cannabis, then maybe you got right to say some of the things in your post.


But please tell me what you have done. I have written 4 letters to 4 different MP's and I doubt you have done more than me.

Edited by Husky
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