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They're hanging up on us.

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post-52312-0-36264000-1408750477_thumb.jpgThey're hanging up on us. After many of you called Health Minister Peter Dutton's office about the government's absurd 'veto' to medicinal cannabis on Norfolk Island – instead of listening to us, his office just started hanging up on voters calling in.


I can't believe he'd treat voters and families in need like this. Worse – this is what he said to ABC News yesterday about medicinal cannabis: "we just can't allow people for political reasons to sign up to a particular medication for argument's sake"


Minister, this isn't about political reasons.


Please share this image today on Facebook to embarrass Minister Dutton into getting briefed and meeting families impacted, it seems our only option now he won't take our calls!



Click here to share it.


I know your support is helping keep up the pressure on the government to get this done. News.com.au have just published this new article about what's happening – please share it.


There’s 30 years of clinical trials, 23 states in the US, not to mention 8 other countries, who all back medicinal cannabis. But our politicians are still stuck on "political reasons" and arguments about "long-term health implications".


This is pathetic. Keep calling and hassling this prick. Any SA residents can also hassle Greens Senator Tammy Franks as she is currently pushing the SA government for a Cannabis discussion. She can be contacted here : http://www.tammyfranks.org.au/get-in-touch/

Edited by Ser Jory
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Ser Joy, I am sorry you have to fight so hard for you son's life with these ignorant pricks that are there to represent the people.


They treat us like mindless sheep, the Government doesn't want to deal with this now ( or ever maybe) they are under so much fire with there budget.


Just one thing, the picture when looked at, has the name cuntface.jpeg . I doesn't bother me, but it may not help your cause.

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Ser Joy, I am sorry you have to fight so hard for you son's life with these ignorant pricks that are there to represent the people.


They treat us like mindless sheep, the Government doesn't want to deal with this now ( or ever maybe) they are under so much fire with there budget.


Just one thing, the picture when looked at, has the name cuntface.jpeg . I doesn't bother me, but it may not help your cause.

Sorry Husky, this is part of an email from Lucy Haslam , I didn't mean to mislead anyone, I just forgot to edit that bit out. But I did get hung up on several times before I quit wasting money. As for the pic, I have tried to delete it as I have renamed it. Maybe a nice mod can delete it for me & I'll repost it later.

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Its bullshit that because of his own idealogical reasons he believes he has the right to dictate whether or not people have certain rights, 

I read an email from a 12 year old boy with 2 lesbian mums to Tony Abbott which stated the main argument the most succinctly I've heard it put "Isn't it your job to represent the people and not yourself?"

If majority public support is there for allowing medical use for the truly ill then you would have to be a real prick to 'veto' it because of your own personal views (which don't even hold up to debate)


I wish you and your child all the best and I sincerely hope one day reason prevails on this one, good luck mate

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the political reasons are that they dont want citiznes to be able to grow this... they want it taxed and "manufactured" and "manipulated" by big business...


we have no issue with opiates being grown... but MJ is bad for politcal reasons... when did politacl reasons over ride peoples basic right for relief?



Conservatives are so misinformed if it wasnt so cruel it would be funny

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