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Australian Government Is Blocking Medicinal Cannabis

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Very interesting read Husky. Thanks
As for Jan, what a joke. AND she is a professor? and yet does not reference her submission? And then when she does it references a former paper of her own, again unreferenced. WTF And as for figures ..." I did some calculations on the back of an envelope" Again I ask, professor? of what? She obviously works within government, nobody else would be able to get away with this as a submission.
From what I've read the most appropriate information has come from a patient. Not a Dr, not a professor but someone who uses canna for their own specific needs. Presently we have a bunch of bureaucrats making uninformed guestimations on the benefits of canna. This is insulting to all the medical users out there, be that for cancer or as an appetite stimulator, why stipulate its use. If it works for an individual and they receive benefit, what is the problem. We do not need Jan throwing in anecdotes and her own ill informed opinions to justify her own employment status. We need more patients and their supporting medical teams standing up and say what benefit they receive.
As for the pharmaceutical Sativex, it contains but one of the active ingredients contained in herbal canna. I can clearly understand the need for a quantifiable measure for the science behind it, but personally, who cares, the question should be "Is there a benefit?" "Does the individual receive the desired relief?". Not everybody will have the same effect nor benefit. It is the levels of each active ingredient and the interaction that I find offers the benefits I need for me. No politician, no professor and no public inquiry is going to change the fact that I receive a benefit. Now they want to quantify that, how? Everybody's situation has variables so as much as they want to put a number in to do their calculations ("...on the back of an envelope....") It is impossible.
Does it have a benefit? YES. So take the politics and opinion out of the debate and ask the people who receive the benefit. Christ, it doesn't need to be that hard. Does it??
P.S. I received this email yesterday from Lucy Haslam, which just adds to my disappointment with the whole situation.

This is infuriating.
The federal government has just "vetoed" one of the first medicinal cannabis operations in Australia, on Norfolk Island.
Now we’ve just seen a "drug free" organisation is claiming decriminalising medicinal cannabis will "kill our children". And they're writing to all politicians.
Misinformation and outdated ideas are rising. And the Federal Health Minister is flat-out ignoring the reality – the government won't return any calls or emails so they can actually hear the desperate reality families like ours are facing.
I've tried so hard for months. Helping my son battle terminal cancer. Fighting so we're no longer criminals in the eyes of the law for using medicinal cannabis. 200,000 of you have backed us up by signing our change.org petition.
Now we need to fight to save the medicinal cannabis laws in NSW from being railroaded by misinformation and a federal government that's striking down any progress.
Please leave a quick phone message with Federal Health Minister Peter Dutton's office today – tell him it's time to get briefed with the facts, and meet with families like ours who are going through this nightmare.
Call the Minister right now on 02 6277 7220 – it'll take 2 minutes and help enormously. You can also add your name to a petition started asking the government to change it’s position by clicking here.
I know we can still win this fight. More than 30 MPs have declared their support in NSW. They've shifted because they've heard our story. You've all chipped in over $30,000 in ads to help us keep getting the message out there.
We just need to squash this misinformation right now. And ensure the Federal Government don't "veto" any more laws that will help families using medicinal cannabis to cope with terminal illnesses.
Thanks for being with me, it means so much to us that we're not alone.
Lucy and the Haslams
P.S. This decision by the federal government has made this a national issue. The next step is getting medicinal cannabis laws changed in every state across the country. If you have a story like ours, and you’re willing to fight for change for your family, I’d really encourage you to start a petition on change.org. You can do so by clicking the link here: change.org/start-a-petition, telling your story and demanding that your government change these archaic laws.


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I rang and the woman gave me an email adress, minister.nash@health.gov.au, so i wrote an email with my thoughts about this issue and the obligations of the pollies that are elected by the people supposedly for the people...yeah right...


I encourage everyone to voice thier opinion... :wallbash:

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Thanks Merl1n, reading the transcript is long, but very revelling.

Its embarrassing that tax payers money pays her wages and funds her operation, so she is totally bias in her opinion. She is paid to promote government anti-cannabis propaganda. 

Initially I was goggling my doctor and found this, at the time I never knew who Jan was. Not until I join this forum did I realise her position in this debate.

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conseravtives in power... religguos fanatic as teh leader.... and remember this is a country that elects a person like Fred Nile who thinks gay are an abonimations...


doesnt look good but if you dont fight for it then you cant bitch and moan...



Will be writing an email later today

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Just be aware if you support the Haslam's then you support legalisation EXCLUSIVELY for terminal illness and nothing more. I firmly believe that if the government change the law to please the Haslam agenda they will push the issue aside and will not revisit relaxing the law any further. Of course this is great news the terminally ill but that group of people would be a very small percentage of those that could benefit from wider medicinal approval.
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I do not believe the push to legalise canna for recreational use is going to occur without it first being accepted medically. We need to get to a point where its use is accepted on medical grounds to then be able to push for rec use with any chance of success. If the Haslam push heads us in that direction, that is what is needed. At the moment we are pushing shit up hill with a rake to get canna accepted for recreational use. Most states in the last decade have increased penalties for canna. Its proving difficult just to have canna examined scientifically let alone accepted socially. Lets start with small steps, lets get it passed medically first. IMHO



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conseravtives in power... religguos fanatic as teh leader.... and remember this is a country that elects a person like Fred Nile who thinks gay are an abonimations...


doesnt look good but if you dont fight for it then you cant bitch and moan...



Will be writing an email later today

Fred Nile? lol  Man, do think he represents the Most High?  Do you think Monsanto is really about food?? comprende? Do you think the big Pharma co's give a shit about healing though that is their premise, their justification of their works? remove the scales from your eyes.  Beware the false teachers and manipulations , making bad seem as good and doing evil falsely represented as good.... for instance gm. 


These are the blind and rebellious ones.  We are full of pride and void of humility and lovingkindness. This  is not even close to being a God loving nation.  We love our balbylon-so we have faith in it...webelieve in it- and that is a mistake and the consequences of a world who has made themselves god is being manifested now.  Write the email and beware of the enemy, for he is like raring lion, circling, waiting to see who he could devour.

faith :sun:

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I don't think thats correct wannagrowbuds.


I thought when I signed the petition it called for all 5 recommendations of the NSW committee to be implemented.
Page 17 here.
I see the title of petition refers to terminal only, but the content of petition does call for all 5 recommendations. This includes chronic pain, seizures etc. You can read the actual petiton here.
Honestly I think at some stage the title has been changed, I don't remember that title when I signed many months ago. But I could just be all the oxy I was on.


I still think the Haslems are supportive of medically cannabis for many conditions, but are concentrating on a fight they can win.

As Merl1n says, small steps.

Edited by Husky
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Fred Nile? lol  Man, do think he represents the Most High?  Do you think Monsanto is really about food?? comprende? Do you think the big Pharma co's give a shit about healing though that is their premise, their justification of their works? remove the scales from your eyes.  Beware the false teachers and manipulations , making bad seem as good and doing evil falsely represented as good.... for instance gm. 


These are the blind and rebellious ones.  We are full of pride and void of humility and lovingkindness. This  is not even close to being a God loving nation.  We love our balbylon-so we have faith in it...webelieve in it- and that is a mistake and the consequences of a world who has made themselves god is being manifested now.  Write the email and beware of the enemy, for he is like raring lion, circling, waiting to see who he could devour.

faith :sun:

lay off the zanax faith...

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