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Australian Government Is Blocking Medicinal Cannabis

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Our government is from the dark ages.

While thousands of Australians, and every published poll shows that most people support the decriminalisation of medicinal cannabis - the Australian government has just blocked the people of Norfolk Island from growing it for medical use.

It’s shocking news for people like the Haslam’s - who’ve been fighting for legal change so they can get on with helping their terminally ill son Dan cope with cancer.

The Hon Gary Hardgrave, the new Administrator of Norfolk Island, has just cancelled a license issued to Tasman Health Cannabinoids (NI) Pty Ltd ('Tascann') by Norfolk Island's Minister for Cultural Heritage and Community Services, The Hon Robin Adams MLA, to import, export, grow and produce Cannabis for medical treatments.

It’s shocking, unfair, and just wrong - and it means that for thousands of families, the challenge of trying to cope with serious terminal illnesses gets even harder.

Currently 23 States in the United States of America, Canada, Israel, the Czech Republic, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Uruguay and Spain allow the use of medical Cannabis. It's time Australia joined them. In May 2013, a New South Wales parliamentary committee comprising members of five political parties unanimously recommended making medicinal cannabis available for selected conditions.

Its report stated: "...in general terms medical cannabis has potential as an effective treatment for some medical conditions with appropriate safeguards in place [and] cannabis products are emerging as a promising area of medicine...'

Not only is the medicinal use of cannabis growing internationally, but the economic opportunities are substantial. Colorado alone expects to take in $184 million in tax revenue within the first 18 months of legislation; public marijuana companies stocks rose 150% in 3 weeks this year; and Norfolk Island is broke and runs a budget deficit each year of about $7.2 million.

Meanwhile the new Administrator Gary Hardgrave, who studied Commerce, has just overturned an opportunity for Norfolk to supply the international community with a medical product that is supported by scientists, doctors, politicians, two-thirds of Australians and people requiring access to pain relief in situations where pharmaceutical drugs are not effective.

Australians benefit from the medical use of drugs such as morphine, ketamine, cocaine and amphetamine – despite their recreational use being prohibited. It's time for Cannabis legislation to be updated to reflect public support and scientific studies. The first step should be Administrator Hardgraves working with Tasman Health Cannabinoids to address his concerns about the license.

Please sign and share the petition; it's time everyday people had access to effective pain relief without the fear of prosecution.



Please sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/p/tony-abbott...cannabis#share


More information here : http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-08-1...turned/5671836


And here : http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-08-1...ter-no/5674854



Norfolk Island News radio interview : http://www.norfolkonlinenews.com/Aud...n%20-small.mp3

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Oh its comming, they're just wording shit to keep people like you and me outta the game. You honestly think that a government is gunna sit back and watch other governments make millions, maybe even billions on tax revenue?....Oh please! What needs to be pushed for is open use, for med and rec. Yeh its great for people dying, but its also great for people who aint. For some reason my mental health isnt as much the issue as anothers phsyical health. My 2c, KB.

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Hi Kron, I agree.

I wrote a letter to the national MP in Tamworth that is putting up the private members bill in NSW. He reply he had no interest in legalising for anyone other than terminally ill. It would appear he is trying to tailor make a legislation just for the Haslems, though the Haslems ( to there credit) are fighting for access for many other conditions.


This will sound harsh and uncaring to some, but I replied and asked the MP why terminal patients/carers, will get legalisation. There pain by definition will end in weeks, months or 1-2 years. In my case, I was facing severe chronic pain for the next 30-40 years, till I die of something else. Why is my pain relief need less??.....why is compassion for terminal patients greater?? No reply.


My Pain clinic professor gave evidence at the NSW committee and spoke sadly of many long term chronic pain sufferers, suiciding. 

 I would love a dollar for every time someone I know asks me "how ya going "  If I tell them, its " If you were a horse I'd shoot you. Ha ha" ( I live in country) yeah its funny the first time but hearing variations on that 30,40,50 times over 5 years make you feel like you are better of dead.


Access must be for all health issues, mental /physical/ terminal and recreation eventually.

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unfortuantely big pharma will get there hands on it and that will be that...I agree... why terminally ill get to use it while others who suffer dont is politcal point scoring... You can bet if their child was seizuring daily and even hourly these asshole would chnage their tune..


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Unfortunately, for whatever reason, there is more medical based evidence that the harm cannabis does is greater than the good. Therefore the politicians argue that for terminal patients this is okay because they will die anyway, but for the general public this is not acceptable. As we know anecdotally the good aspects of the drug benefit many people but so far there is no real medical based science to back this up.
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I found this many months ago, its the transcript of my pain specialist  Prof at the NSW committee, his words are worth reading .....and then after him they talk to Jane Copeland.
You can make your own mind up about whos evidence is more credibly, but Jane digs a hole, by not referencing her evidence that is just her opinion from another document she produced. She tries to sell it as evidence and gets hammered,......please read


Edited by Husky
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lol "this is a new and evolving space" like my closet  lol They're trying to prolong their research and enforcement grants-would take out half the police force and basically shame big pharma too much---they are murderers-collateral damage and the world pollies lying to their people by condoning and enforcing evil in the name of fear and profit.  Manipulated in more recent times by the UN, and its biochemical, medical, agricultural origins and you have the government of a new world order,  fabricated paradise for those so fortunate.these are the freaks our leaders are afraid of. they want all of it man. Our leaders are either blind or afraid.


faith :sun:

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