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Outdoor Growing Season

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Hey all

I am new to growing, I mean I started growing some with a mate, but he didn't take care of it and it went to the shitter. Anway, I have got some bag seeds, and I really wanna grow a solid plant in time for early december or around christmas (uni holidays). Now I live in the eastern suburbs in Sydney near the harbour, and I have an almost perfect place for growing. The landlady who lives upstairs (its a duplex) is quite old and she doesn't do much gardening in her garden. Its quite a big garden that goes down on a slope:

|| |

|| | <-- house

|| | ____

...............\__,__ <---garden slope

........................... \_,_i___,_||||| <---fence

(note: ignore the full stops, the forums won't let you use spaces at the start of a line)

Now where the 'i' is there is a medium sized tree, and I was looking to grow 2 or 3 plants where the ',' (commas) are (like 1 or two per place.

the garden gets good sun pretty much all day long (about 7 -10 hrs, its a west facing garden), and the landlady waters the garden once every 2 days from her verandah on the top of the building (but she wouldn't be able to see it). Now for the plants to grow in time for the start of summer, I would prolly have to plant soon, and sydney temps around these times vary from about 12-20 degreesC (although on some rare occasions that can drop to about 8 degC at night).

Anyway, what should I do from here? what advice can you give a newbie like me for growing when and where I am gonna be growing?

I will be germinating the seeds in Jiffy Pots in my room and then be transplanting them to bigger 12" diameter pots in the garden, then at about 3 weeks into growing, I will take them out of the pots and put them straight in the (pH neutralised) ground.

What sort of maintenance will I have to do on the plants? What ferts should I use at this time/place?

How long can I expect plants to harvest?

So yeah, please help, and any answers will be appreciated.

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Sounds like you have it all worked out. Can't really help with the timing cos' I imagine Sydney winters are different to Adelaide ones.

What sort of maintenance will I have to do on the plants? What ferts should I use at this time/place?

How long can I expect plants to harvest?

Maintenance? Make sure they don't go thirsty for too long and keep an eye out for bugs (spider mites .. grrr). Harvest? Well I started a plant last Winter which its still going (it's huge). I expect to harvest in a month or so. Best advice I can offer is to be nice to your ladies - they'll reward you for it.

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IMO..Winter is only for Indoor Grows or raising seedlings in time for spring. I'd like to grow 1 right through so it'd be huge...but there is a lot of wasted time where the plants don't grow much. IMO the less time you have your plants in a spot...the better chance you have of pulling them off.. lol


..Raising indoors and planting at 20" at the start of spring.....Makes for good results.

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If your using bagseeds and your planning to grow outdoors they might get mouldy if your starting now (too much moisture) I agree with the guys, start them off indoors under a compact fluro or regular fluro. If your using soil/peat i would reccomend Premium potting mix, blood 'n' bone & a little bit of lime.


What media are you using ?

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