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Jeb Bush joins opposition to medical marijuana ballot in Florida

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By David Adams MIAMI (Reuters) - Jeb Bush is siding with opponents of an initiative on Florida's November election ballot to make medical marijuana legal, despite strong public support for its use as a treatment for debilitating illnesses. Bush, a former Republican governor of Florida who is considering a presidential bid in 2016, issued a statement on Thursday saying the legalization of medical ...


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"Support for medical marijuana legalization in Florida is holding steady at 88 percent despite weeks of vigorous campaigning by opponents, a poll released late last month showed.

Only 10 percent of those polled said they opposed the measure.

The poll also found a smaller majority of Florida voters would support recreational use of small amounts of marijuana by adults, with 55 percent backing it and 41 percent opposed."


Democracy is supposedly government based on the will of the majority of the people, yet surprise surprise, we yet again have another right wing fuckwit telling the majority of their people to go fuck themselves.  It's reassuring to see that democracy still functions as it's meant to.


Also find it mildly amusing that pot is detrimental to the image of family friendly state in the city that came to fame and fortune through being a major entry point and distribution centre for cocaine

Edited by Sir PsychoHashy
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:good: SPH I am thinking the same thing concerning Australia, and Qld in particular.  We have better poll figures.  Similar if not larger demographic than Colorado.  They've done the maths of course they have. Prolly talking at least 1b/annum in Qld alone jus rough estimates.  We are not a 'represented' people anymore...perhaps we never were. The powers represent themselves and always have.  The crazy thing about all this stuff is this is what the world Believes in.  This system of liveing, this perpetual growth/profit/consumption is and illusion, a lie.  This is the logic of the powers of the world.  This is the substance of their obedience.  This is their faith. I reckon we, as were and are the original inhabitants of this country are being held captive.  An illusion of freedom is granted, just enough to perpetuate the powers that be and woe if one speaks of the naked emporers.  why?  Because we are afraid I think.  Our bloodlines are convicts and slaves. We have been taught subservience to the norm (call it a Darwinist evolutionary survival adaptation if one likes).   Almost every aspect of what we see, hear, tste, smell is given to us unless we look beyond their program.  There is no justification.  There is no quality.  What is the agenda :declare: lol   Are they just frightened weak lil coward arses?  What are we afraid of then..  a general strike would fix this country in two weeks but thereis no one in a position to make this happen brave enough.  We are afraid to demand our rights, which are justified.  Their forcing of a sick ideology upon us is not.  How could it be justified?   soz about the rant justo for another vape :vape: :sun:

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