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Just want some peace.





I have severe emetophobia ( fear of vomiting) and although I am medicated to control it, this phobia dominates my life and always has since I was a child.


i have heard that cannabis is an antiemetic and effective in controlling nausea and vomiting. Is this true?


Any advice is appreciated.

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I can sort of sympathise with you except that my extreme aversion to spewing is not a fear or a phobia, just an experience that leaves me feeling extremely messed up.


Yes, cannabis can be very effective as an antiemetic, but there can be a large difference between strains as to how effective.  Don't quote me on this, but I believe that sativas tend to be more effective.  A big point to be aware of is that cases of commercially grown weed actually making smokers feel nauseous are not unknown, this is most likely due to chemicals used by those growers, lack of flushing, and in some cases contaminants added to the buds to add weight.  So, as with any medicinal use, you would be well advised to grow your own.


Having said all that, cannabis is unlikely to treat your actual condition any more than any other antiemetic, as it is the phobia that is dictating your life.  You should take into account that cannabis, like any drug, can have adverse side effects for some people, and that paranoia and anxiety can actually be increased for some people, particularly until they build up some tolerance, so the potential is there that it could actually worsen your situation.  Don't get me wrong, I will praise the wonders of weed, both medicinally and recreationally, until the day I die, but I would always strongly advise people to make considered and informed decisions about whether it is the right thing for them to get involved with.

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I think what you are doing here is avoidance. You are avoiding fear which will only serves to perpetuate your anxiety. I do not believe it is the throwing up you actually fear: as i am sure your aware throwing up in itself really is not that bad for you, isn't going to kill you and is not something to fear. You have associated throwing up the feelings of fear and you are participating at avoiding that feeling of fear.


So what i am trying to say is at the heart of what you really fear is fear itself.


Avoiding this feeling of fear by participating in behaviour to avoid these fears only serves to perpetuate the problem, this includes taking pharmaceutical drugs such as anti-anxiety medication and self-medicating through the use of cannabis to stop yourself from throwing up and alleviating anxiety.


In order drop your anxiety down to normal levels you need to stop the avoidance and instead do activities which provoke what you fear.


Think of it this way, the first time someone climbed up a tall tree to fetch eggs from a nest, they were probably full of fear of falling down. After climbing the tree enough times and feting enough eggs the person becomes comfortable and no longer experiences the fear of climbing the tree.


I sympathise with you because i have been through this and come out on the other side, i look back actually thankful for the experience because it made me a much much better and stronger person.


If you want to smoke weed to avoid these feelings, then weed is not for you.

Edited by Bentato
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Thanks for the feedback guys. All very much appreciated.


I haven't tried this approach yet and so was not aware of any associated anxiety. I am prescribed a high dose of ssri's just so I can walk out the door each day so I guess I have to take into account how that may interact with cannabis. It's not something I can really discuss with my doctor. From what had read, I was under the impression that weed was a relaxant and possible anti emetic rather than something that may in some cases cause  discomfort.


What exactly is Sativas?

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