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legal isues



i have found out ive got cancer and im a rec user but on chemo and radio il start 2 smoke alot more 4 tha nusia and pain i waz woundering about the law in wa on how many plants etc grams and wheather using it medicanaly gives or makes a diffrence 2 fines and were i can find out more as well as getting sum medicanal seeds as i realy think it will help with the pain thanks in advance 4 any info would be a great help
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Guest niall
i have found out ive got cancer and im a rec user but on chemo and radio il start 2 smoke alot more 4 tha nusia and pain i waz woundering about the law in wa on how many plants etc grams and wheather using it medicanaly gives or makes a diffrence 2 fines and were i can find out more as well as getting sum medicanal seeds as i realy think it will help with the pain thanks in advance 4 any info would be a great help

Sorry to hear man, but remember you've got one of the best natural medicines for fighting cancer and the effects of pharmaceutical anti-cancer drugs, so hang in there and keep fighting!


In WA there is no legal recognition of medicinal use, but I expect (and I've heard isolated stories to support this) that the average Policeman will be compassionate if you can clearly show that you're a cancer patient and you're using it for personal use. You've got no legal defence, so you can be fined or charged just like the rest of us, but if you're legit then I would expect that you'll get a bit of leeway if you're caught. And if you're not, and you're willing to take this to court and argue for medicinal use to be recognised, then please get in contact with me and I'll get you in contact with some compassionate Members for Parliament here in WA so we can try to get some media attention to the issue. A medical use provision was suggested for the Cannabis Control Bill 2003, but it didn't make it in, and with the Hemp bill likely to pass later this year (and medicinal use getting some attention in NSW) there's talk of re-igniting the medicinal-use debate locally and getting a new private members Bill introduced.


To be eligible for an expiation notice (fine) in WA you mustn't have more than 2 plants (no hydro!) and no more than 30g of herbal cannabis. There is no provision for extracts such as hash or oil, which is a real shame as they're significantly less harmful than whole smoked cannabis, so I'd recommend you think about moving to a vapouriser to reduce the stress on your lungs while you're going through chemo.


Cannabis has been shown to kill certain types of cancer cells, particularly brain tumours, but it's likely that it has similar effects on all types of cancerous tumour as it restricts the blood flow to cancerous cells, thereby starving and killing the cancer. My advice is to smoke up! Increase your dosage and start medicating at regular intervals to try and fight this thing. Good luck mate!

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have found out ive got cancer and im a rec user


my sympathies mate, I hope you beat it.


Let Niall take you under his arm, hes a top activist and a real fighter for the cause. He also has alot of contacts as he said.


if you need some seeds or clones check out www.treatingyourself.com and email Marco Renda, He will get you setup with the most suitable strain for your needs.

he doesnt charge for the seeds either but does ask for a donation to help him cover some costs.

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I'm very sorry to hear that, and I hope you beat it!! My sympathies, I've just lost my 89 year old nan to throat cancer. She didn't have a chance, to old and weary to fight..........only been diagnosed 2 weeks before, and she passed on Saturday.............

But you're young and strong, and you'll find plenty of support on these boards if you ever need to talk :D Goodluck!

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Yeah, the laws aren't too nice in oz for medicinal users, but the compassion of the common man is fairly high out here. So yeah, I'd imagine if you could prove medicinal use to a copper, and you weren't growing outside the expiable limits by too large a margin, you'd problably be okay with a bust. Provided you strictly use it only for your own use, and don't sell or anything which would obviously bring attention to yourself, then I'd imagine you'd be okay.


But yeah, cannabis is known to have not only nausea relieving, but it's also been found to be an active anti-cancer agent for a few different types of tumours, and there's a lot of research into it which is waiting to be done. Who knows, in ten years they could be prescribing the stuff to ya.


So yeah, keep your head down, just grow a couple for yourself and investigate the subject really thoroughly. Good luck with this mate, I hope you pull through. :D

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sorry to hear that plantdevil, i just found out my lil dog has pankriotic cancer or something like that his been on a drip for a few days now, im praying for the lil man to get well real soon ill say a few prayers for u2 bud, yep treating yourself is a pretty good site to get good meds also they should be able to help u and help u in quick time, if there was ever a site id recomend for meds its treating yourself, but remember to take care no matter where u look for meds a bit of paranoia <- ? is always good, take care plantdevil and rock on! :D Edited by SoDrysBro
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