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New Gavita E series Plasma

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Apparently just hit the shores....




Check out the spectrum on the new 41.01 bulb @_@


Dont think Dpap is a "Plasma Killah" anymore ;)






LED is the future, not these things.


I believe Gavita even recommend that their LEP's (plasma) be used in conjunction with HPS.... which is a fucking joke considering the price tag. (Like really? The whole idea is to replace HPS, no one is looking to spend thousands of dollars on additional lighting.)

Edited by ehle_fan
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Here we go:



Emitter models
We have two different spectra available:

  1. Grow spectrum (41.02 emitter) – high CRI full spectrum lighting for stand-alone use
  2. Supplemental spectrum (41.01) – specifically developed to add quality spectrum in combination with HPS light, adding the spectrum that the HPS lacks.


Bit of a joke, I wonder how well that stand-alone works. I will reserve final judgement until I see a grow or something a little more than just graphs from a manufacturer.

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I think you miss the point here dude....

Im not even sure why you came directly in here full of flames and fire. ..? *shrugs


The original gavita plasma bulb had excellent full spectrum, but lacked the "flower power" of HPS. ..

This why gavita openly stated to use the plasma as supplemental with a HPS.


Now they have changed some things and a have a second plasma bulb available with a lot more "flower power" reds...

This means that you would not require supplemental HPS as it has enough already... a standalone unit.


Gavita isnt exactly "some manufacturer" that just throws out graphs.... this is for discussion of thoughts as the downside to plasma before was that it was only "supplemental" or for vegetative growth.


You should probably just sit back and relax a little elhe... let the grown ups have a chat for a bit ;)


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Thank you Billygoat for coming to the most logical answer here ;)

God forbid there is actually a grower out there that not only researches but buys and tests new products available in the industry.... *shock

But to actually remember what he pays for products in his local shop that has large price tags on everything..... now that is just impossible! *rolls eyes

I love new shit, Gavita makes awesome lighting (That's why I own some) and I have the money to buy new toys when I feel like it :)

Here is an idea... how about do a little bit of actual research about this Plasma bulb instead of 'pub yak' opinions and come back and let's have a chat about peoples thoughts...???

Is it really that hard to do...?


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Ill be interested to see how theses next gen gavita plasmas go considering the first ones were not all that great. The gavita prolines are fucking awesome and if power consumption is of no concen then I would be running them no doubt. But as power is so fucking expensive these days it would be good if these do the job

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