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Strong sign of support by Premier

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Without trying to sound cynical I really hope the Haslams arent pushing for only their cause in terms of legalising it..


So far it has only been about terminally ill... there are many more ailments and conditions with which cannabis can be beneficial yet we are hearing nothing except for dying patients..


They have recieved a lot of support from the cannabis community in their push and we must keep the ball rolling on this issue...


I hope that once this issue of terminally ill is achieved that more will be done however I remain skeptical..

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A pollie expressing verbal support is not the same thing as a pollie actually doing something about it.  Government in this country has become more about playing politics than governing, and with an entire country nearly completely awash with right wing idealogical government, the political environment still isn't right for change.  I hope they prove me wrong, but I can't see the powers that be within the Liberal party and their backers allowing anything to happen.  When they state that they won't be supporting it for anyone except terminally ill, and go as far as specifically excluding pain and epilepsy sufferers, it comes across as being a bit concerned about an issue that seems to be gaining ground in the media but not wanting to actually do anything except sound supportive.


And yes Midget, they are only pushing for their own cause.  An ex copper goes public safe in the knowledge that he will not be touched by his ex colleagues, ranting and raving about the good it does his son and how it shouldn't be wrong for him to have that benefit, whilst at the same time saying other situations benefitted by medicinal cannabis should still be excluded.  They also know the right people in their local community and media (a traditionally very right wing newspaper).  The only reason they have been able to acheive as much as they have is because they are the "right sort of people".  It's good that this has enabled the cause to gain some attention in areas it is needed, but it still sickens me that it is so narrow minded.

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You are not being cynical, that is exactly what the Haslam family are doing and they are completely up front about it. If you support their view because you think it will help recreational legalisation you should not be supporting their campaign at all.


The pollies don't even accept that the drug is beneficial, they take the point of view that if someone is dying anyway what harm can it do. That way they don't have to admit any acceptance whatsoever of the drug itself.

Edited by wannagrowbuds
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I want to see this private members bill before I make judgment personally....


I wouldn't bother.  The private member in question has done what he always does when it looks like his voters want something done, he's gone for the "look at what I've done, if nothing happens now it's somebody elses fault" strategy.  He doesn't really give a shit, he had nothing to say on the matter, ever, until the local media started the story and a few of the important people in town jumped on board.  He was the same with the crime problem, kept his head down until it blew up in the media and came up with the bright idea of passing the buck to his higher ups with a retarded proposal that having a local drug dog squad would miraculously stop break ins, rapes, and armed robberies. 


At least he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut until he saw which way the wind was blowing, the federal member was stupid enough to sprout a reefer madness fuelled anti pot rant when the issue first came up, 3 weeks later he was all of a sudden extremely supportive of this very narrow agenda of terminal cancer patients should get it.  It's all politics, and will continue to be played in this inane manner until (they hope) it all blows over and goes quiet again.  Right now Baird's probably trying to figure out who and what can be blamed for it not being able to go any further, or how he can pass it upstream to the federal government.


In the meantime ladies and gents, keep on growing your own medicine, it's likely to be the best option for a while yet.

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