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ThcAholic Harvest pics.......

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Thanx fellow peeps :P I try very hard :P Aussie climate is pretty good though, although we can have 4-seasons in a day here!! Mold is the biggest killer here...as late autumn nights get very damp and the day temps sometimes don't allow for them to dry fully :P In early i figure is the key..which will be my goal this next season. I hope to provide some better buds for you all to admire this time next year (or a little sooner).

..If ne1 wants larger pics of these...you can find them (and more) by clicking in the My gallery link in my signiture. That is..when the servers not down!!! :angry:


p.s...I'm not trying to advertise DH here..just i can post larger, better quality pics there...so i do :o

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