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Medicinal pot for dogs ?



I noticed this the other day from Oz...




I have a very old staffy who suffers from pain in her back legs, is going blind and deaf, and has a large growth in or around her spleen.


The vet is uncertain without testing and surgery, but at her age I just want to make her comfortable until such times as I have to let her go.....


Many years ago she managed to eat a couple of "medicinal" cookies I had made and left laying around on the coffee table... and I honestly thought she was gonna die, could not walk or move for a good 12 hours.


however, is there a way i could give her small doses to see if it helps with her movement, and perhaps pain ? (she is 19kgs)  she struggles to get up in the cold mornings as her back legs or hips are not real good.... not that you would know if you threw a lump of meat for her to chase !


Any help or advice appreciated, particularly if anyone has tried this in similar circumstances.... i have a fair bit of bud from my last grow so wouldn't mind experimenting a little :)  The vet has prescribed carprofen 100mg tablets (half daily) for a few days on/ few days off.... a natural remedy is more appealing to me.





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If you have facebook, check out Rick Simpsons page, people are successfully treating their digs cancers with cannabis oil. However dosage sizes are a little hit n miss, they suggest dosing as high as you possibly can, I don't think it is possible to kill a dog with cannabis.

Along the way you can read many human success stories also.

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Whilst proper research and studies are needed If you are going to treat your dog start with a single drop of oil about the size of a pin head between a couple of dog biscuits, and feed them more as needed so they can build an immunity accordingly and won't be too stoned to still function normally.


Personally I have seen the benefits from using oil on terminally ill animals, and as such back it 100% as it was much more effective than their prescribed pain killers which the cannabis oil completely replaced, and without a doubt gave them an extra lease on life... :goodboy:

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Thank you kindly for the responses.


Without me researching for myself lol , what am I looking for THC, THCA or CBD content. ? Considering the prescribed offers relief in both pain and is anti inflammatory?


After her shot today she has really been a new dog tonight... Hopefully I can make something equally good :).

Edited by billygoat
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